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In Their Words: Alnwick-Halidmand council debates cancelling 2024-2025 hockey season

Grafton Minor Hockey League

The show:

On September 30, the Alnwick-Haldimand Township council met to discuss the state of the Memorial Arena in Grafton. The ice rink’s pipes were failing, and the situation was grim. The council debated what to do. The choice was stark: either pay $50,000 for repairs on the system that may or may not fix the problem or cancel the hockey season. Children were already registering. Continue Reading →

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Alnwick-Halidmand John Logel on the state of Memorial Arena and its future

The show:

The state of the Memorial Arena in Grafton has been an issue for a long time. Over decades, many councils have dealt with the more than 75-year-old building and its infrastructure. The current Alnwick-Haldimand council inherited this legacy. In January, Mayor John Logel appeared on the show to discuss a survey to determine the arena’s future. Since then, multiple reports have been written or are underway. Continue Reading →

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Alnwick-Haldimand takes steps to move forward on the future of Memorial Arena after much debate


The future of the Memorial Arena in Grafton took another step forward on July 23, when the council directed staff to undertake several studies before it decides to revamp the aging facility. The studies will include several components: an assessment of the current facility, a feasibility study, a needs assessment, and three conceptual designs. This was in response to a Notice of Motion made by Councillor Mike Ainsworth at the last meeting. The decision came after a public delegation and an intense debate. Resident Jim McCormack provided a detailed deputation, expressing numerous concerns. Continue Reading →

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AH council to seek a report at next meeting into the feasibility of Legion partnership to save aging arena

Alnwick Haldimand Memorial Arena

A plan to partner with the Grafton Legion to upgrade the aging Memorial Arena took a step forward at the July 9 council meeting. Councillor Mike Ainsworth gave a notice of motion to direct staff to hire a consultant to do a feasibility study of the arena. The study would look at replacing the ice pad, the pad boards, renovations, and an addition to incorporate the Grafton Legion’s needs. The report for the regular council meeting will be due on Oct. 8. Continue Reading →

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Athletes and volunteers honoured recently at induction ceremony at Sports Hall of Fame

Ross Quigley, founder Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Any day somewhere in Northumberland, people are gathering to play sports. It could be at a local school gym or an arena, or a field. It could be a group of young kids just learning to play soccer or a rep team practicing for a hockey tournament. Then, there are the lawn bowlers in Victoria Park or the babies and moms at the YMCA. Whether it is swimming laps or running laps, sports is huge in Northumberland. Continue Reading →

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A tribute to Ross Quigley, a well-known businessman and volunteer in Cobourg

Ross Quigley

The show:

The full interview with bonus material

Ross Quigley was one of those people in the community who made a huge difference. He never held public office or drew attention to himself. He toiled away behind the scenes making his contribution that profoundly impacted so many. Ross Quigley died last week. He was 77. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg Sports Hall of Fame to display memorabilia and stories from past

Ross Quigley is part of a citizen’s group hoping to create a Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame. The group has collected hundreds of pieces of local memorabilia covering decades of various sports and athletes from Olympians to caddies. Listen as he shares amazing stories about people and events from the community’s sports heritage on Consider This Live, part of the Drive Time on Northumberland 89.7 FM. Continue Reading →

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Time to ban Salmon fishing along the Ganaraska River in Port Hope

It is time to seriously consider closing the fishery along the Ganaraska River inside Port Hope. While the statement is heresy to some, those who think with calmer heads realize the situation along the river within the town’s borders no longer serves the recreational and tourism goals envisioned by town fathers and promoters many decades ago. Instead, it has devolved into some indescribable chaos where a growing number of anglers pack themselves along the banks with barely any space to properly fish. Then, the situation is compounded by those bent on using illegal fishing methods and other horrific practices. And, just to top it all off, there is the littering, trespassing and defiling of private and municipal property. Continue Reading →

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Legendary hockey player honoured in local historian’s book

Local author and historian Stewart Richardson talks about his book on local hockey legend Dit Clapper and the Rise of the Boston Bruins, part of the Cobourg Museum’s speaker’s series on Consider This Live, part of the Drive Time with Dave Glover on Northumberland 89.7 FM.   Continue Reading →

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Local hockey legend focus of discussion about Greatest Game in hockey

Author Todd Denault talks about his book, The Greatest Game, his passion for hockey, and his upcoming presentation at the Cobourg Museum about Port Hope hockey great Jimmy Roberts, who played in that amazing game in Montreal during Consider This Live a segment of the Drive Time with Dave Glover on Northumberland 89.7 FM. Continue Reading →

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