Robert Washburn

Professor of e-journalism Publisher of Consider This

Recent Posts

In Their Words: County grapples with town over license for portion of 310 Division Street to open

The future of the 310 Division Street project is the centre of an ongoing debate between county and Cobourg politicians. Nights and days are becoming colder. The sale of the former Brookside property is a few weeks away, leaving the people living in the encampment with a precarious future. County politicians discussed what was next for the facility at its Oct. 16 regular council meeting, . Continue Reading →

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Cobourg police board chair and chief provide context to upcoming debate on future of force

Cobourg drug bust

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

At an upcoming Cobourg council meeting, politicians will debate whether it will start negotiations towards a possible merger of the Cobourg and Port Hope Police. Council is also considering contacting Hamilton Township, which the OPP currently serves. In this interview, you will hear what the Cobourg Police Services Board chair, Ron Kerr, thinks about all of this. Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf joins him. Cobourg already works with multiple police forces. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg chief gives context to debate over possible police mergers

Cobourg Police STEP

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

On April 1, the new Community Safety and Policing Act came into effect. It was a long time coming. The changes in the rules and regulations related to policing underwent a major restructuring. It sent shockwaves through the province, motivating the need for rethink local policing. Cobourg and Port Hope are in the midst of adjusting to the new system. Continue Reading →

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A conversation about the Alderville economy, plus the challenges of procurement policies

The podcast:

Alderville First Nations Chief Taynar Simpson discussed economic development in Alderville, including the diverse economy, the role of the Band Council in the economy, and the ongoing community comprehensive business development plan. He also addressed the issue of indigenous procurement in Canada and the challenges indigenous businesses face. He made a case for more transparency and accountability. Of course, he touches on upcoming events in Alderville. Originally aired: October 15, 2024

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Seeking solutions for people without doctors, Ontario Health Team weighs in

Port Hope Walk-in clinic

The show Part 1:

The show Part 2:

The full interview (Podcast):

Your toddler has a fever that does not seem to break. You are a senior who needs a prescription renewal to treat a chronic condition. Your cold is getting worse, not better. For some in Northumberland, it is a call to your physician or, in the lingo of the healthcare sector, primary caregiver. But for those without a doctor, it is a real problem. Continue Reading →

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In Their Words: Cobourg council debates first step to single police force with Port Hope and Hamilton Townshp

Cobourg Police Cruiser

The show:

Cobourg council debated the future of the Cobourg Police force at a special meeting called by Mayor Lucas Cleveland Thursday. Its purpose was to discuss a motion to contact the Port Hope and Hamilton Township councils to see if they were interested in creating a single police service for the three municipalities. This is the debate that took place at that meeting. The discussion by politicians has three parts. It begins with a prepared statement read by the mayor. Continue Reading →

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In Their Words: Alnwick-Halidmand council debates cancelling 2024-2025 hockey season

Grafton Minor Hockey League

The show:

On September 30, the Alnwick-Haldimand Township council met to discuss the state of the Memorial Arena in Grafton. The ice rink’s pipes were failing, and the situation was grim. The council debated what to do. The choice was stark: either pay $50,000 for repairs on the system that may or may not fix the problem or cancel the hockey season. Children were already registering. Continue Reading →

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Alnwick-Halidmand John Logel on the state of Memorial Arena and its future

The show:

The state of the Memorial Arena in Grafton has been an issue for a long time. Over decades, many councils have dealt with the more than 75-year-old building and its infrastructure. The current Alnwick-Haldimand council inherited this legacy. In January, Mayor John Logel appeared on the show to discuss a survey to determine the arena’s future. Since then, multiple reports have been written or are underway. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg mayor proposes new plan to restructure Northumberland County, plus airs concerns with upper tier


The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

On September 4, at a town committee meeting, Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland floated the idea of separating from the county. Warden Brian Ostrander came on this show two weeks ago to respond to his idea. A lot has happened since then. In this interview, Cleveland will elaborate. He will talk about his original motivation to propose a separation. Continue Reading →

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In Their Words: Northumberland County councillors debate the future of the encampment in Cobourg

Northumberland County Council debate

The full debate:

This is an experiment. Most people listening to this show live busy lives. So much goes on that it is difficult to stay on top of what is going on at the various councils within Northumberland. In this podcast, you will hear the actual debate from the September 18 county council meeting. It is straight out of the public meeting. Continue Reading →

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