Robert Washburn

Professor of e-journalism Publisher of Consider This

Recent Posts

CCI business students get first-hand experience creating retail-ready salsa for fundraiser

Salsa Kids

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This interview is about a group of 19 business students from Cobourg Collegiate Institute. They were in Molly Klintworth’s Grade 12 class. Together, with some help, they planned, developed, produced, and marketed their very own retail-ready salsa. Over three months, they worked with the Business and Entrepreneurship Centre Northumberland and the Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre in Colborne. These salsa kids received business training and development classes, along with expert advice on the mass production of food products. Continue Reading →

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Hospital scholarship winner shares experiences, goals, and dreams for future in nursing

Northumberland HIlls Hospital

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For more than two decades, Northumberland Hills Hospital has handed out scholarships to budding health professionals from the county. The prize is a $1,500 cheque. It may not seem like a lot. But when you are a student, every penny counts. Earlier this month, Hospital Board Chair Beth Selby presented the scholarships to two students: Anne Mead and Ella Watson. Continue Reading →

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Opponents get break on Cobourg stormwater fees, but others sectors make up for it

Stormwater management flood


Cobourg council decided to proceed with changes to its stormwater management rates to satisfy residents’ concerns at its meeting on June 26. After nearly an hour of debate, councillors voted five to two to reduce some rates that apply to vacant landowners, cemeteries, and farmers. However, the lost revenues will now be placed on commercial and industrial landowners. Landowners charged under the previous system will also receive a rebate. A report looking at the implications of the new system is expected to come back in September. Continue Reading →

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Alnwick-Haldimand Township council approves final tweaks on short-term rental bylaws



After over a year of tweaking, Alnwick-Haldimand Township council finalized its short-term rental bylaw at its June 25 meeting. In the spring of 2023, the controversial bylaw was opposed by residents and business owners. Residents were upset about the noise and other offences at some short-term rental properties, and business owners felt the original bylaw was too restrictive and unfair. It was sent back to staff, and an ad hoc committee was formed to review it. After several iterations, the bylaw returned and was approved by council in November 2023. Continue Reading →

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Alderville Chief attends historic Anishinabek Nation meeting where traditional election revived

Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly elected Linda Debassige as the Grand Council Chief


At a landmark meeting of the Anishinabek Nation earlier this month, members selected Linda Debassige as the new Grand Council Chief using a traditional stand-up vote for the first time in decades. Alderville First Nation Chief Taynar Simpson attended the meeting. He talks about this historic moment on the show, including the preparations, the nomination, and the final selection. He will also discuss the agenda items covered and the concerns raised during the meeting. Later, he will look ahead to a significant proposal he hopes to raise at another important meeting of chiefs. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg police step up enforcement using dynamic patrol and Downtown Community Action Plan, says chief


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Cobourg police Chief Paul VandeGraaf discusses the increased focus on the Dynamic Patrol and the Downtown Community Action Plan. He will look at the impact of these initiatives, what they mean to public safety and law enforcement, and the cost to taxpayers. He will address the concerns related to the increasing size of homeless encampment and the recent spike in drug-related arrests and weapons charges. Lastly, the Chief will speak to the potential risks and strategies, along with the future of the encampment site. Originally aired: June 21, 2024 Continue Reading →

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New Northumberland United Way Executive Director checks in to share first six months on the job

Day of Caring Northumberland United WAy

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So many people are struggling. Food bank use is up. We are reminded daily about the lack of affordable housing and homelessness. Drugs and the opioid crisis are serious concerns. While many organizations and institutions struggle with these problems, one agency tries to help them all. Continue Reading →

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Former MP Pauline Browes named Hamilton Township Senior of the Year

Harwood dock, Hamilton Township


Former MP Pauline Browes was named Senior of the Year 2024 at Hamilton Township Council meeting on June 18. It was a double honour. Browes received provincial recognition as a Provincial Senior of the Year, plus the local award. She was recognized for her extensive community involvement, including her work in environmental leadership, support for local churches, and dedication to improving the Harwood Memorial Park and Hall. She was awarded the 2024 Municipal Senior of the Year award for her tireless volunteer hours and commitment to enriching the lives of those in the community. Continue Reading →

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Port Hope mayor gives an update as the walk-in clinic is in the final stages, preparing to open in July


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Port Hope Council is spearheading an effort to create a walk-in clinic. It announced the plans last fall. The clinic was supposed to open before the end of 2023, but several challenges arose. It is still not open, but officials say the goal is sometime in July. Mayor Olena Hankivsky is a key figure in the walk-in clinic’s development. Continue Reading →

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In the shadow of the pandemic, health unit brings back programs in 2023, according to annual report

Vaccination clinic COVID-19 CCC

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For most of us, the pandemic is a memory. People have moved on. For the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, the pandemic continued to influence services and programs in 2023 up until today. In this interview with Dr. Natalie Bocking, the chief medical officer of health, she will explain what has happened in the past year. It is all included in the health unit’s annual report. Continue Reading →

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