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Food insecurity and poverty in Northumberland remain deep concerns for health unit as costs soar

Food insecurity

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It’s a startling fact. Nearly one in 10 people living in Northumberland County struggle to survive on a low income. According to officials, this isn’t just a statistic; it’s a pressing issue that demands our attention. These individuals, including seniors, those on employment insurance, disability payments, and others, face daily hardships. The situation is so severe that the number of people relying on food banks in Northumberland has surged by 50 percent. Continue Reading →

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Record participation in survey and still time to give input into Cobourg 2024 budget, says deputy mayor

Life guard station at Cobourg Beacy

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A record number of people participated in a recent survey about the 2024 Cobourg draft budget. Two hundred and eighty residents went online and filled out a survey. It was four times greater than last year. Inflation, high interest rates, grocery prices, and the cost of gas are hammering everyone’s wallet. Last fall, Cobourg councillors told staff to aim for a five percent increase. Continue Reading →

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High-tech, innovative video surveillance system coming to Cobourg Police via Venture 13


The full interview with bonus material:

Imagine for a moment: every security camera in Cobourg, keeping an eye out for criminal activity. This is not just the cameras in ATMs at banks or systems in businesses along King Street. This is a store security camera at Wal-Mart, a camera scanning the Yacht Club storage, and, get this, every doorbell camera in the town. That’s right – the security cameras are located in people’s doorbells. It is known as a security mesh video system. Continue Reading →

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Teachers prepare to return to the classroom in Northumberland in the face of pandemic

August always brings a sense of anticipation for teachers preparing for another year at school. But nothing can match the challenges facing educators returning to classrooms this fall. The pandemic has placed huge stresses on those in front of students regardless of their age. They must create a learning environment that is safe from a deadly virus. Educators need to protect the students and themselves. Continue Reading →

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Back in the saddle: reflections on my recent stint at Northumberland Today

By Robert Washburn

It is incredibly important to keep active in journalism both as an educator and as a professional journalist. It is great  having a bi-weekly column. Still, grabbing a notepad, dialling a phone, doing interviews and so forth, it is vital to remain relevant and credible in front of students. It is truly amazing the number of times there is pause for thought on the way newsrooms are changing. It is not nostalgia causing the hesitation, but a sense of how journalism practice, ethics, management, and community are transforming. Continue Reading →

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