Northumberland County

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AH council to seek a report at next meeting into the feasibility of Legion partnership to save aging arena

Alnwick Haldimand Memorial Arena

A plan to partner with the Grafton Legion to upgrade the aging Memorial Arena took a step forward at the July 9 council meeting. Councillor Mike Ainsworth gave a notice of motion to direct staff to hire a consultant to do a feasibility study of the arena. The study would look at replacing the ice pad, the pad boards, renovations, and an addition to incorporate the Grafton Legion’s needs. The report for the regular council meeting will be due on Oct. 8. Continue Reading →

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Town and HBIA join forces to promote downtown businesses under the Be Walton program

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Business is down on the main street in Port Hope. Few people will argue this point, as Walton Street is undergoing a $6.5 million upgrade. The road is torn up. There is lots of heavy equipment and fencing. However, a new initiative is underway to draw people back. Continue Reading →

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Workforce housing still on county agenda as it tries to recruit skilled international workers here

workforce housing

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About a year ago, Northumberland County created a Workforce Housing program. The idea was to build affordable housing to attract people to work in Northumberland. In a perfect world, these people would fill gaps in the local workforce and have an affordable home to move to. The creation of affordable housing is critical in the face of a major housing crisis within the county and across the country. The Workforce Housing program is separate from all other efforts by local municipalities to stimulate the construction of affordable homes. Continue Reading →

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Residents and politicians express deep concern over cell tower proposal at Port Hope council meeting


Members of the public and several Port Hope councillors were critical of a consultant at a regular council meeting on July 9 over a proposed cell tower near Campbellcroft. Two delegations and several politicians expressed concerns about a cell tower proposed for 1564 Oak Hill Road. Chris Leggett and Collin Lavery from Spectra Point attended the meeting to summarize the proposal for council. The Eastern Ontario Regional Network and Rogers Communications are working with the consultants to improve wireless communication in rural Port Hope. This initiative aims to improve access to broadband and cellular services in Eastern Ontario. Continue Reading →

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Request for building permits submitted to Cobourg as county pushes ahead on new shelter

New Transition House

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Recently, a progress report regarding the new homeless shelter at 310 Division Street was provided to Northumberland County Council. At its June meeting, the council also received an update on its affordable housing and homeless strategy. Rebecca Carman, associate director of housing and homelessness for Northumberland County, will bring us up to speed on what is happening. The building permits for renovating the new shelter are submitted to the town’s building department. She will provide some timelines. Continue Reading →

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Parents get daycare relief as Northumberland County adds 181 new spaces, says manager

YMCA daycare

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Parents looking for childcare received big news recently. The county announced the creation of an additional 181 daycare spaces, which is significant given that more than 3,000 families are on waitlists. The new spaces will be in Port Hope, Warkworth, and the Northumberland Centre for Individual Studies in Cobourg. Yet Lesley Patterson, manager of the Early Year services program, said this is a step in the right direction. The county is working towards adding more than 404 spaces by 2026. Continue Reading →

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Mother pleads with Brighton council to reduce speed limit after near fatal accident


A distraught mother begged Brighton council to take action to lower the speed limit on County Road 2 in the east end near No Frills after a recent near-fatal accident involving her son. In an emotional presentation to politicians at the June 24 regular council meeting, Sarah BouDiab Nader described an incident on May 31 at nearly 9 a.m. as her son was preparing to board a school bus. As he stepped out, a truck sped by the bus, almost hitting him, she told council. Had it not been for her quick action of grabbing his coat and pulling him back, he would have died, she said, fighting back tears. Nader has three children. Continue Reading →

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CCI business students get first-hand experience creating retail-ready salsa for fundraiser

Salsa Kids

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This interview is about a group of 19 business students from Cobourg Collegiate Institute. They were in Molly Klintworth’s Grade 12 class. Together, with some help, they planned, developed, produced, and marketed their very own retail-ready salsa. Over three months, they worked with the Business and Entrepreneurship Centre Northumberland and the Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre in Colborne. These salsa kids received business training and development classes, along with expert advice on the mass production of food products. Continue Reading →

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Hospital scholarship winner shares experiences, goals, and dreams for future in nursing

Northumberland HIlls Hospital

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For more than two decades, Northumberland Hills Hospital has handed out scholarships to budding health professionals from the county. The prize is a $1,500 cheque. It may not seem like a lot. But when you are a student, every penny counts. Earlier this month, Hospital Board Chair Beth Selby presented the scholarships to two students: Anne Mead and Ella Watson. Continue Reading →

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New Northumberland United Way Executive Director checks in to share first six months on the job

Day of Caring Northumberland United WAy

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So many people are struggling. Food bank use is up. We are reminded daily about the lack of affordable housing and homelessness. Drugs and the opioid crisis are serious concerns. While many organizations and institutions struggle with these problems, one agency tries to help them all. Continue Reading →

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