By Robert Washburn While roads and sewers are not sexy topics in municipal politics, Cobourg Mayor Gil...
Federal, provincial and municipal
By Robert Washburn Any effort to move the Waterfront Festival midway off of the east pier would...
By Robert Washburn Proposed changes to the town’s planning committee will mean fewer members will serve longer...
By Robert Washburn Concerns over the safety of the east pier raised by Councillor John Henderson at...
While it was a quick meeting, Cobourg councillors raised concerns about the east pier being safe enough...
By Robert Washburn Cobourg council put the brakes on a recommendation to cancel all free parking passes,...
By Robert Washburn Despite concerns raised about potential damage to trees in Victoria Park, Cobourg council gave...
By Robert Washburn The attempt by several councillors to find an exception for a local businessman wanting...
By Robert Washburn A delay in approving an annual provincial volleyball tournament in June for Cobourg beach...
Citizen journalist Scott Lamberton will provide live, interactive coverage of Cobourg council, including a public meeting about...