Utility explains recent power outages, plus apologizes to frustrated customers

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Over the last few months, residents of Cobourg have faced momentary power outages. There are more than expected. For many, it is frustrating. While these last only a few seconds, it is enough to affect clocks, computers, and PVRs, among a long list of inconvenient items.

The reasons for the outages are varied and surprising. From squirrels to branches to a significant upgrade to the overall system, it will raise your eyebrows. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg’s mayor applies new strategic plan to current issues facing town

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Cobourg council wants to create a thriving community, provide better services, and be more sustainable. These are the three pillars of the new four-year strategic plan it hopes to pass this Monday. For the past 10 months, Cobourg council has worked with its consultant, Capital Park, towards a strategic plan. It has sought public input. The process is now wrapping up. Continue Reading →

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Chief medical officer currently optimistic about cold, flu and COVID-19 numbers for Northumberland


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Earlier this month, there were three places where outbreaks of COVID-19 occurred in Northumberland. Besides the hospital, the Golden Plough Lodge was hit and the Victoria Retirement residence. These senior’s homes are located in Cobourg. The health unit has tracked more than 1,400 emergency room visits across its region for COVID, colds and flu since September. All this may be a bit disturbing. Continue Reading →

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Northumberland Hills Hospital COVID-19 outbreaks part of cold and flu season, says CEO

Northumberland HIlls Hospital

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Northumberland Hills Hospital announced there was a COVID-19 outbreak recently. Eighteen cases were confirmed at the time. Patients in the medical and surgical units were hit, along with some in the rehab unit. Staff were spared. Visitors and volunteers were restricted from these units. Continue Reading →

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Protecting Farmland in Northumberland: Placing precious lands in a trust

Aerial shot of farmland

Margaret Walton, board chair, Ontario Farmland Trust


One way to ensure a secure future for agriculture is putting farms in a land trust, says Margaret Walton, board chair of the Ontario Farmland Trust. There are 840 farms in Northumberland County. The vast majority are prime agricultural land. That designation ranks these areas as the best for growing the crops that feed us. Yet, these lands are under threat. Continue Reading →

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