Home Rainbow Youth Centre serving LGTBQ2+ community gets its official launch during Pride Month in Brighton

Meg Fox Home Rainbow Youth Centre

Meg Fox, leader of the longer Pride Walk, assembles everyone for a photo on the Rainbow Sidewalk by East Northumberland Secondary School as part of Pride Month celebration. The Pride Walk was held on June 2 in Brighton.

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

In 2018, a group of young people played Dungeons & Dragons in a space behind a downtown ice cream shop. It was an informal, safe place for some LGBTQ2 youth to hang out. The pandemic hit, and the group was unable to gather. But the idea of a gathering place for young people in Brighton has fermented for the past year. A group of dedicated volunteers and the support of Brighton council, an organization from Peterborough, and a local church have taken the concept to a new level. The space is being formally launched this month as the Home Rainbow Youth Centre.

In this interview, you will hear the story behind the project, plus a host of events taking place in Brighton during Pride Month.

Originally aired: June 7, 2024

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