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Mother pleads with Brighton council to reduce speed limit after near fatal accident


A distraught mother begged Brighton council to take action to lower the speed limit on County Road 2 in the east end near No Frills after a recent near-fatal accident involving her son. In an emotional presentation to politicians at the June 24 regular council meeting, Sarah BouDiab Nader described an incident on May 31 at nearly 9 a.m. as her son was preparing to board a school bus. As he stepped out, a truck sped by the bus, almost hitting him, she told council. Had it not been for her quick action of grabbing his coat and pulling him back, he would have died, she said, fighting back tears. Nader has three children. Continue Reading →

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Home Rainbow Youth Centre serving LGTBQ2+ community gets its official launch during Pride Month in Brighton

Meg Fox Home Rainbow Youth Centre

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The full interview with bonus material:

In 2018, a group of young people played Dungeons & Dragons in a space behind a downtown ice cream shop. It was an informal, safe place for some LGBTQ2 youth to hang out. The pandemic hit, and the group was unable to gather. But the idea of a gathering place for young people in Brighton has fermented for the past year. A group of dedicated volunteers and the support of Brighton council, an organization from Peterborough, and a local church have taken the concept to a new level. Continue Reading →

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The Murray Canal’s history is one of fierce lobbying, immense pressure and a lucky election victory

Murray Canal

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Just outside of Brighton, along County Road 64, is the beautiful Murray Canal. Today, it is a recreational waterway that takes boaters from Presqu’ile Bay to the Bay of Quinte. Most people use it to get to the Trent-Severn Waterway or to Kingston by boat. However, in the 19th century, businesspeople, residents, and politicians saw it as a vital route for commerce, national security, and safety. While the Welland and Rideau canals were built in the mid-1800s, the Murray Canal was consistently delayed. Continue Reading →

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Brighton joins with Peterborough group creating additional space for LGBTQ2+ youth and families


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In the past few years, Brighton has joined many municipalities in celebrating Pride Month. It raises a Pride Flag like the others. It has created a Rainbow crosswalk like many others. There is even a Pride Walk put on by a local church. But this is the first year time it has organized a Pride Day event. Continue Reading →

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Town’s finances are critical to future of new parks and recreation plan, says Brighton mayor

Splash pad King Edward Park Brighton

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Brighton is one of the fastest-growing places in Northumberland County. With all the development taking place, town council is continuing to examine how it looks after the health and wellness of residents. As you will hear in this interview, Mayor Brian Ostrander will explain how the town was not creating sufficient green space under the old system. He also knows residents are looking for more recreational opportunities. You will hear what is being considered under the new Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Continue Reading →

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Alderville chief angry over lack of consultation regarding proposed Brighton development

Gosport development site

The show:

Last week, I brought you the story of a proposal to develop a 32-unit condominium in Brighton that has many residents worried. It also has the mayor and councillors concerned. The developer, JRB Williams Enterprises, wants to build on lands next to a provincially protected wetland on an area zoned for residential. An archeological assessment report submitted to the council says some Indigenous pottery was found dating back to 600 AD. Alderville Chief Dave Mowat is pretty upset. Continue Reading →

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Proposed Gosport development impacted in part by new provincial planning rules, says mayor

The proposed development site from the air.

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While Brighton council must address concerns raised by residents, it also faces new pressures from the Ontario government. New policies governing the planning process were implemented late last year. These include cutting development costs, streamlining approvals, and speeding up the building of affordable housing. Mayor Brian Ostrander will talk about his reaction to the residents and their presentation at a public meeting on January 16. He will also address the new rules imposed by the province around the approval process. Continue Reading →

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Brighton residents express multiple concerns about a proposed development in Gosport

Gosport flood

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A proposal to develop a 32-unit condominium in Gosport, which is part of Brighton, has many residents worried. It also has the mayor and councillors concerned. The location is next to a provincially protected wetland close to the shores of Lake Ontario. The developer, JRB Williams Enterprises, wants to build on lands next to it zoned for residential. Residents packed the community center at a public meeting on January 16 to make their concerns known. Continue Reading →

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LeBlanc addresses docs, sewage treatment, garbage and transit, and more

Doug LeBlanc

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There are only three week until the municipal election on October 24. Once more there are interviews with the mayoral candidates running for office across Northumberland County. I will not be interviewing deputy mayor or council candidates. There are just too many of them. However, you can go to the radio station’s website or the website for this show to find candidate information. Continue Reading →

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Physician recruitment, wastewater and taxes on the agenda for Ostrander

Brian Ostrander

The show:

The full interview with bonus materials

There is only three weeks until the municipal election on October 24.  , Once more there are interviews with the mayoral candidates running for office across Northumberland County.  I will not be interviewing deputy mayor or council candidates.  There are just too many of them.  However, you can go to the radio station’s website or the website for this show to find candidate information. This interview is with Brian Ostrander, who is running for mayor of Brighton.  He discusses physician recruitment, wastewater treatment, plus taxes, and more. Originally aired: September 30, 2022 Continue Reading →

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