February 22, 2025

2 thoughts on “Frost proposal gets bounced by council

  1. The issue of accessibility was much discussed last evening on this subject. However, our Deputy Mayor (and at times some of his councillor colleagues) have a profound misunderstand of the difference between the executive and legislative functions of governance. On the executive side (the practical day-to-day activities of governance) accessibility is whether or not I am able to communicate my concerns on a one-to-one basis with my elected representatives. This executive function is also demonstrated by the many special committees our representatives attend–or even community events. At these types of functions I should be able to “access” my political representatives. However, during the legislative process (i.e. where decisions are made on matters of policy) I want accountability and transparency. That is I should be able to witness, evaluate and have input into the policy making process. This is why our Mayor wears the robes “of office” at council meetings. The ceremonial robes are representative of something larger than mere executive functions and services–they are indicative of the wider voice, history and diversity of the entire polity.

    I have no doubt my municipal councillors are accessible and I’m even willing to applaud their commitment to the executive functions of governance. But accountability and transparency of the legislative process are a different matter. Mutton appeared to understand at least one part of this in her remarks. Her concern was around her ability to faithfully represent and understand agenda items under a “compressed” time period of reflection in order to be suitably accountable to her constituents. Accountability is a good start. However, it was Henderson who best articulated “transparency”. He went out and consulted his constituents on the issue and then represented their views to council. He could have, as a matter of conscience, disagreed with his constituents and voted differently on the matter and still have been transparent. His fellow citizens were present to observe and evaluate his decision-making process. Henderson was at once both accountable and transparent. Our Deputy Mayor and his sidekick had no such understanding of the necessary accountability and transparency of the legislative function. For them accountability is the efficiency of bottom line thinking and the executive need for effectiveness. Democracy is not always effective or efficient, but as Winston Churchill so aptly pointed out, its still a better system than all the rest. My deepest gratitude to both my fellow citizens and elected representatives who understood this.

  2. Tonight’s meeting was excellent, we got what we came for. It was very reassuring that the only ones who voted for the meeting time change were the Deputy Mayor and Forrest Rowden, two gentlemen who clearly want to be at home in their jammies by seven pm, bed by nine.

    Next step is to persuade Council to add a question period for residents at Council meetings, maybe at the COW while there’s still time to gear up to influence the final vote. That move would likely inspire more people to show up, I know it would for me. Knowing I could get more details on agenda items right there on the spot would be a big incentive to participate.

    Thanks Rob for ramping up the live blog for this important occasion, and to Ben Burd too for taking the initiative to come and speak out. And all the supporters who showed up at Council tonight, I think that made a difference to Councillors to know people do care about democracy in their local government”.

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