February 6, 2025

3 thoughts on “Remembering Senator Jim Tunney

  1. It is sad to know that Jim and Gladys Tunney have passed away. I got to know Jim right during his first visit to Russia as I was a field representative of the Canadian project “Partners in Progress” in Moscow and Jim took part in it. It was in November 1993/ A long time ago, but since then I feel deep sympathy to his personality. He was real envoy of his country. He made me love Canada.
    Later I met Gladys.
    For now my late condolences to relatives and friends of Jim and Gladys.

  2. Gladys and Jim Tunney were two of the finest people I had the pleasure of meeting after moving to Northumberland almost 20 years ago. I particularly enjoyed how Jim would sit back during long meetings and then finally let loose with and entertaining yet pointed summary of the main issues which had been discussed at ridiculous length, and set us all straight.

  3. Hi Rob:

    I am Jim’s step-son.

    Thanks for your kind words. You also did a terrific job with the Go Magagzine article Winter 2001.

    It is very satisfying to hear about the immense respect that people had for Jim.

    Karol Shaw

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