As the last reading, this is a sold summary of issues related to our discussions. His introduction...
As one of the seminal writers on the political economy of communications, Dallas W. Smythe presents an...
In his description of mass culture theory, Strinati provides both a history and critique of this approach...
In this reading, Carey applies Mosco’s approach to political economic analysis (commodity, spatialization, structuration) through his exploration...
This article focuses on the differences between cultural studies approach to the commodification of culture, as articulated...
Information Communications Technology (ICT) does little to resolve the issues of democracy despite the potential, according to...
The centerpiece of this article is an argument about the use of networked computer systems to aid...
Bucking the popular view of tabloid journalism as bad journalism, Orenbring argues this style of sensational content...
There is something about political economic analysis that ends up being depressing. And, if there is one...
This excellent summary of various theories related to the role of the state in market economies is...