February 23, 2025

1 thought on “My Jack Layton story

  1. Thanks for sharing that, Rob. You remind me of another man who tried to get a newspaper going in Cobourg in 1950. It didn’t last either, but another aspect of the business did, and like you, he made out just fine. You know who I mean.

    Please allow me to share my own Jack Layton story. I was one of the people who populated a tent city called “Mulroneyville” in the summer of 1991, organized by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. We were at the base of the CN Tower, protesting the Conservative Party convention across the street. John Clarke had asked me to make a speech, and I did, trying hard to speak loudly enough that the assembled crowd could hear me over the din. I didn’t feel particularly successful when I finished, but then Jack walked over to me. He told me I had made a great speech and he agreed with my positions on ending poverty in Canada. We talked for a few minutes, and although I’d never met him before I certainly knew who he was. He was running for Mayor of Toronto at the time. He sure made my day, and I was amazed that he’d bother to talk to me, considering my introduction made it clear I wasn’t from Toronto, so he knew I wouldn’t be voting in that election.

    Back in Cobourg a front page story appeared in the Cobourg Daily Star, showing photos of me on one side and Karl Bernhardt on the other. Karl, of course, was a tory delegate at the convention we were protesting, and the thrust of the headline was that Cobourg had two people participating in the action, one on the inside and one on the outside. Thinking of that I am now wondering who the reporter was for that story. Hmmm. It wasn’t you was it Rob?

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