February 22, 2025

2 thoughts on “Finger-pointing won’t solve Veterans’ issues

  1. Thanks for the thoughtful and concise comments. Despite the announcement this weekend by the Conservative Party, I think it is merely a band aid on a wound that needs stitches. Feel free to weigh in at any time.

  2. I know this isn’t a municipal matter but I just had to weigh in. Neither party has a very good track record regarding the basic living standards of our men & women who serve in our armed forces. It seems odd to me that the government that claims to be “supporting our troops” is doing exactly the opposite. Liberals have squandered any chance of this key demographic by offering nothing but finger pointing. Where were they when these hero’s needed a place to safely house their families. Government reports have stated for years the near third world residences offered to these service men and women for them and their families to live in.Where’s that funding? Government has seen fit to honour only the fallen and let the wounded and broken returning soldiers fend for themselves. Standing by our troops must be more than a political slogan or tag line these hero’s expect and deserve the best we as a nation have to offer them for their many and continued sacrifices. We can not allow the term Support Our Troops to become more LIP SERVICE.
    Dave G.

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