Farmer’s mental health a priority for Northumberland Federation of Agriculture

farmer fatigue

Northumberland Federation of Agriculture has prioritized local farmers’ mental health for many years.

The show:

Amid the pandemic in 2021, a group of farmers realized the toll it was taking on mental health. Besides the usual pressures of Mother Nature and fluctuating commodity prices, farmers faced increased isolation and a host of other challenges.

Paul Burnham, Bruce Buttars, and the late Sid Atkinson came on this show to talk about the situation. As part of the conversation, it turned to mental health. Out of this concern, the local federation initiated support for farmers. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture saw the benefits of this program and lobbied hard to get the government to support it.

In 2022, the Farmer Wellness Initiative was born.

Listen to a rebroadcast of this interview in the context of what is happening now.

Originally aired: August 23, 2024

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