March 11, 2025

2 thoughts on “A gut reaction to the new OCNA Digital Market Study and the future of community newspapers

  1. Interesting stuff and for people in the business I’d guess interesting is an understatement. There’s always tension between the creative and business sides of publishing and lately it seems like the bean counters have taken over, in this industry as well as in human services. When as a kid I decided to publish my own pretend newspaper the first thing I went out and did was design all the ads for various stores downtown. Think I got bored and never got around to writing the content. I suspect my approach was guided by a certain man who had tried and failed to run a local newspaper in Cobourg called the Times. He certainly knew what paid for all that paper and ink.

    Loved the parable of the soup. Our soup locally has become rather bland and thin in recent years. Here’s hoping for better times ahead.

  2. Rob:

    Thank you for this thought-provoking analysis of community newspapers. As a consumer I despair of the fact that the content in such media is not what it used to be. As such, as a citizen, I am forced by necessity to seek out other media and avenues of participation — this may be a vicious circle or, more gently, a “transition” of information media that will ultimately impact on the quality of our local news and/or journalism. Again, thank you for bringing this study to my attention…and for your reflections. You’ve made me “consider this” 😉

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