February 6, 2025

1 thought on “Time to dig deeper into issues within local economy

  1. It seems to me the seeds of the current downtown malaise were sown many years ago, first by the development of the Mall and then by the decision to allow Walmart to come to town. Naysayers then said these changes would kill the downtown, especially Walmart, and we were right. Small comfort though as our main street withers and dies and workers of the closed stores are left with no jobs and nowhere else to replace those paycheques.

    It’s not just small mindedness and lack of planning of the downtown store owners at fault, they are subject to the same large economic forces that buffet all of us. As wages shrink and times get harder, people go to Walmart because those savings matter to their pocketbooks. Dollarama thrives while small businesses suffer. There are no easy answers and more rough times ahead.

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