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Cobourg police step up enforcement using dynamic patrol and Downtown Community Action Plan, says chief


The show:

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Cobourg police Chief Paul VandeGraaf discusses the increased focus on the Dynamic Patrol and the Downtown Community Action Plan. He will look at the impact of these initiatives, what they mean to public safety and law enforcement, and the cost to taxpayers. He will address the concerns related to the increasing size of homeless encampment and the recent spike in drug-related arrests and weapons charges. Lastly, the Chief will speak to the potential risks and strategies, along with the future of the encampment site. Originally aired: June 21, 2024 Continue Reading →

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Cobourg council must decide on future of police station, says board chair

Cobourg police station

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Cobourg council recently received a report from the Police Service Board outlining the current conditions of the station on King Street. Complete with numerous images of the deficiencies, it calls into question the viability of the historic Armoury Building as a suitable space. In this interview, Cobourg Police Services chair Ron Kerr and Chief Paul VandeGraaf discuss the submission. While there are several options, it is clear that they are pushing for a new facility with a cost ranging from $30 to $35 million. However, the final decision will be up to the council. Continue Reading →

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Police review underway as politicians and residents grapple left to grapple with future

OPP cruiser

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The full interview with bonus material:

You will want to listen to today’s show if you care about your municipal taxes. The cost of policing is one of the largest expenses for municipalities in Northumberland County. It is one of the main drivers, but not the only one, behind a review underway at the county council. Meanwhile, the Cobourg council is facing a tough decision regarding a police station. Port Hope budgets are under strain, plus it has a mixed service for Ward 1 and 2. Continue Reading →

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New police rules and regulations started on April 1, impacting local police with little fanfare

Cobourg Police Service

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A new Community Services and Police Act came into effect on April 1. The irony of the date did not get past Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf. It was not an April Fool’s joke. The new legislation significantly overhauls how police are regulated. The last time this occurred was in 1990. Continue Reading →

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Additional officers, additional auxiliary will raise profile of Port Hope police, says chief

Port Hope Police

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

The Port Hope police recently released its two-year strategic plan. While the title sounds pretty lofty, there are many nuts and bolts in it. In this interview, Chief Tim Farquharson will address critical issues facing the community. He will discuss the hiring of three new officers and the expansion of the auxiliary force in the hopes of increasing police presence. But that is not all. Continue Reading →

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Chief explains hiring of new officers; plus he critiques provincial changes to address repeat offenders

Sgt. Janice MacDonald and Constable Janet Bertrand are on their walking rounds in Cobourg’s downtown.

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

At a recent Cobourg council meeting, a debate ignited over hiring additional police officers. This led to a tense discussion about public safety and the 2024 budget. With community safety a hot topic in the council chambers and on the street, it is creating a lot of strong emotions in and outside Victoria Hall. In this interview, you will hear from Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf. Since he arrived in 2014, the number of officers has not changed. Continue Reading →

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Community canvas strives to meet concerns in east end, says police chief

Cobourg Police cars

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Crime in Cobourg is on the increase. Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf says that is true everywhere. An analysis of recent statistics shows calls for service are up. There were 14 assault charges laid in the past two months. Two of those involved officers being assaulted. Continue Reading →

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Annual report give complex picture of trends for Port Hope police

The full interview:

Calls for service are down. Foot patrols are also down. Vehicle patrols are also down. Cannabis charges are up. Violent crimes, such as assaults, are up by 80 percent. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg Police annual report delivers stats as many are up and some others dropped

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Earlier this week, Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf presented his annual report for the past year to town council. Many statistics were up. The number of calls, crime rate, reported crimes, mental health calls, drug poisonings, overdoses, break, and enters all increased. The number of complaints against police was down, as were the times when officers used force. But things have changed in other ways. Continue Reading →

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Port Hope’s new police chief an innovator, leader and working on his first 100-days plan

Port Hope Police Chief Tim Farquharson

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

On March 1, Port Hope got a new police chief. Tim Farquharson arrived from Peterborough, where he has spent 36 years in policing. In this interview, the chief will talk about his career as a young constable in Lakefield until he stepped down as deputy chief for the Peterborough Police. You will listen to his thoughts on the budget and other initiatives. Plus, he will give his plans for his first 100 days. Continue Reading →

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