mental health

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Northumberland Federation of Agriculture reps give insight into expanded wellness program

Dairy farmer

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The harvest is in full swing. It is the time of year when we enjoy the bounty farmers provide annually. But at what cost? Three-quarters of farmers in Canada suffer from moderate to high stress. One in four contemplate suicide, according to a study done in 2021 by Guelph University. Continue Reading →

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Farmer’s mental health a priority for Northumberland Federation of Agriculture

farmer fatigue

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Amid the pandemic in 2021, a group of farmers realized the toll it was taking on mental health. Besides the usual pressures of Mother Nature and fluctuating commodity prices, farmers faced increased isolation and a host of other challenges. Paul Burnham, Bruce Buttars, and the late Sid Atkinson came on this show to talk about the situation. As part of the conversation, it turned to mental health. Out of this concern, the local federation initiated support for farmers. Continue Reading →

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Community Counselling Resource Centre continues mental health services in Northumberland.

Community Counselling Resource Centre

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When it comes to mental health services in Northumberland, there are several options. These can range from private psychologists and psychiatrists to walk-in clinics and helplines. More than a year ago, Northumberland Community Counselling Centre shut its doors. It offered programs that served nearly 1,000 people annually; many were free or at a low cost. Some of those services were transferred to other agencies. Continue Reading →

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Peterborough group offer affordable mental health services for Northumberland starting next week


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There is always a need for more mental health services in Northumberland. Talk to anyone providing those services, and they will tell you: we are doing a great job, but it would be better if we could expand to meet the actual need. Last year, the Northumberland Community Counselling Centre closed its doors. It left about 1,000 people without mental health services. Some of its programs involved helping women facing violence, and there was a child witness program. Continue Reading →

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Northumberland group collecting stories of grief and loss to share with others

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In Northumberland, 25 people have died of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. That does not count the others who have passed away over the past two years. The grief they face is different in so many ways for those left behind. For some, they may not have been given access to be with loved ones at the end. For others, there may be unimaginable situations, barriers, and other hurdles that have made their experience unique, as well as challenging. Continue Reading →

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Surviving the stress of Christmas and a pandemic (round four) from two local experts

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Trimming the tree. Finding a turkey. Hunting down those last few things for the stockings. And, the list goes on. The holidays can be a stressful time. Continue Reading →

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Farmers cannot ignore mental health as local harvest continues, says Northumberland Federation of Agriculture reps

Farmers harvest

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For those who may not realize, farmers face a great deal of uncertainty every day. The changing weather, commodity prices, pests, and diseases are only a few of the pressures. They also rarely get a day off: livestock must be tended, crops planted or harvested or monitored, equipment to fix. The list is long. It can be a very stressful life. Continue Reading →

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Cornerstone expands services to provide new counselling programs for women and children

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Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre is about to expand its services once again as it rises to the challenge of meeting the needs of women and children who face abuse. It received $200,000 from the Ontario government to provide two programs. The first program provides more counselling to women who face abuse. The second is an enhanced children’s program for kids who witness abuse. This means women and children who have experienced trauma will get the psychotherapeutic counselling they need from Cornerstone. It also means women can come to one place to receive a range of services to fit their needs and the needs of their children from temporary shelter to counselling to therapy. Continue Reading →

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