Strategic plan for local health aims to improve system across the board, says co-chair

Adrienne Bell Smith

Adrienne Bell-Smith, Executive Director, Northumberland Family Health Team, Co-Chair, Ontario Health Team – Northumberland, discusses changes proposed for the local healthcare system.


The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

In the spring of last year, the Ontario Health Team – Northumberland launched a strategic planning process. This is the group made up of all the healthcare providers from across the county. From hospitals to long-term care, from family physicians to mental health workers, this group is trying to reform the local system.

The results of this consultation with the public and those within health care was the basis for the plan. It was released just before Christmas. On today’s show, one of the co-chairs of the health team, Adrienne  Bell-Smith, will discuss how they hope to improve the system.

Originally aired: January 13, 2023



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