February 22, 2025

2 thoughts on “Reneagades rule Hamilton Township council; mayor must act

  1. My comments on this despicable situation: first: I would wonder what is going on with the two newest members of council. They really hadn’t been on council LONG enough to know what kind of job Betty McIntosh was doing and HOW MUCH she was doing. second: I would be interested in knowing whether Donna Cole and John Davidson were asked to run by the Deputy Mayor. Don’t anyone answer that one as I’m not sure whether I would believe the answers or not. next: what is running through Isobel’s mind ? I always believed her to be a fairly nice person, interested in many goings-on around the Township and really didn’t think about what MIGHT happen to our council when she ran (acclaimed – but I understand it was because her papers were submitted at the very last minute when there wasn’t any opposition – I haven’t been able to verify this statement, but believe it to be accurate – forgive me if I’m wrong, although I have a tendency to think it’s correct. My final thoughts are that it has been rumoured that Isobel would really like to be in the Mayor’s chair and I’m wondering, now that I have heard that she is NOW after a member of council – could it possibly be the Mayor she has set her sights on ?? If so, and she can get her two crony’s to vote her way (and I’m sure she COULD), and Mark was turfed out, guess where Isobel will end up – why, in the MAYOR’S chair, of course. I think the next councillor to come on board would be Pat McCourt, which would benefit Isobel, because even if Pat were AGAINST much of what Isobel wanted, it would STILL be a 3 to2 vote, no matter what !!! What kind of council will Hamilton Township end up with ??? Not a good one, and without Betty as well !! TOO BAD FOR THE TAXPAYERS, I say.

  2. Will the public ever know the truth behind this mess? Certainly the Mayor appears to be beyond his depth here and it shows, but to be fair, the situation is far from typical and landmines are everywhere with much at stake. Meanwhile there are whispers that this is all a Hatfield vs. McCoys scenario we are watching, with old line Hamilton Township political families battling for control. If one looks at this, paying attention to who’s related to who else, that theory holds some sway. It would be interesting to track it all, including who married into what families, to try and understand it better. This is all rumour but could hold some truth too.

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