Summer Archives: Cobourg police officer dragged during routine stop – July 6, 2022

Cobourg Police STEP

A Cobourg police officer received minor injuries after he was dragged following a traffic stop Tuesday. Today’s Northumberland reports a Cobourg police officer pulled over a car on Division Street just south of the Highway 401 overpass at around 7 p.m.

According to witnesses, the officer was dragged after speaking to two people in the car. The vehicle pulled over just north of the highway, where a person got out of the car and ran into the woods. The car then continued north on County Road 45. OPP and Cobourg Police arrived at the scene, and a search began for both the car and the person. Continue Reading →

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Summer Archives: NHH faces high patient volumes in Emergency Department – July 11, 2022

In less than one month, Northumberland Hills Hospital sent three public warnings on its Facebook page. Each one says the emergency room is experiencing high volumes. It also encourages people to seek alternative forms of care. This comes amidst a growing number of hospitals across Ontario closing emergency rooms due to staff shortages. Robert Washburn has this report… Continue Reading →

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Seeking solutions to affordable housing and rentals through a community improvement plan

The show:

Affordable housing and addressing homelessness is a county responsibility in Northumberland. You will hear politicians repeat this mantra often. Municipal politicians have few tools to stimulate or create affordable housing and rental units. One approach is the use of grants and loans. This can be done at the lower level. Continue Reading →

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