Centennial Pool on chopping block, plus lifeguards, and other items in Cobourg draft budget

Cobourg Centennial Pool

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The draft 2023 budget was made public recently. It proposes a five percent increase or a hike of $138 on average. Council will be debating the budget on Monday. There is immense pressure on politicians. Inflation, interest rates, provincial downloading, police, the library, transit, and the harbour, among a long list of other items under fire. Continue Reading →

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Alderville chief angry over lack of consultation regarding proposed Brighton development

Gosport development site

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Last week, I brought you the story of a proposal to develop a 32-unit condominium in Brighton that has many residents worried. It also has the mayor and councillors concerned. The developer, JRB Williams Enterprises, wants to build on lands next to a provincially protected wetland on an area zoned for residential. An archeological assessment report submitted to the council says some Indigenous pottery was found dating back to 600 AD. Alderville Chief Dave Mowat is pretty upset. Continue Reading →

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Proposed Gosport development impacted in part by new provincial planning rules, says mayor

The proposed development site from the air.

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While Brighton council must address concerns raised by residents, it also faces new pressures from the Ontario government. New policies governing the planning process were implemented late last year. These include cutting development costs, streamlining approvals, and speeding up the building of affordable housing. Mayor Brian Ostrander will talk about his reaction to the residents and their presentation at a public meeting on January 16. He will also address the new rules imposed by the province around the approval process. Continue Reading →

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Brighton residents express multiple concerns about a proposed development in Gosport

Gosport flood

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A proposal to develop a 32-unit condominium in Gosport, which is part of Brighton, has many residents worried. It also has the mayor and councillors concerned. The location is next to a provincially protected wetland close to the shores of Lake Ontario. The developer, JRB Williams Enterprises, wants to build on lands next to it zoned for residential. Residents packed the community center at a public meeting on January 16 to make their concerns known. Continue Reading →

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Warden outlines what is in store for Northumberland county council in 2023

Northumberland County warden Mandy Martin

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Northumberland County will spend about $200 million in 2023. That is all the salaries, programs, and services, plus the capital stuff like roads, new equipment, and so on. Understanding where your tax dollars get spent is crucial. Politicians are under the gun. It is up to the county council to spend it wisely. Continue Reading →

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