Former MP Pauline Browes named Hamilton Township Senior of the Year

Harwood dock, Hamilton Township

The dock at Harwood on Rice Lake is one of many projects Pauline Browes supported. Browes was named Senior of the Year 2024 at a recent Hamilton Township recognition ceremony earlier this month.


Former MP Pauline Browes was named Senior of the Year 2024 at Hamilton Township Council meeting on June 18.

It was a double honour. Browes received provincial recognition as a Provincial Senior of the Year, plus the local award.

She was recognized for her extensive community involvement, including her work in environmental leadership, support for local churches, and dedication to improving the Harwood Memorial Park and Hall. She was awarded the 2024 Municipal Senior of the Year award for her tireless volunteer hours and commitment to enriching the lives of those in the community.

She was born and raised in the village of Harwood, on the Drove family farm where her father Earl was born and raised. The Browes family has lived on the farm for 147 years, and Pauline has continued the family tradition of being an active member and supporting the community.

Browes started to make her mark early, winning a provincial public speaking competition at 12.

She was a parliament and cabinet minister member from 1998, 1984, to 1993. She made outstanding contributions in supporting the Rouge Valley Conservation.

Recently, Browes was appointed to the joint public Advisory Committee of the Council of Environmental Cooperation for North America. She has been involved in community advocacy for health, welfare, and wildlife preservation. She is a fierce protector of Rouge Valley National Urban Park in Scarborough.

She has made numerous presentations to the Hamilton Township Council throughout the years, consistently focusing on community improvement.
St John’s Anglican Church in Harwood. Pauline’s involvement has included being a member of the choir, parishioner, and Claire Ward. Pauline has also made many presentations to the Anglican diocese for the support of St. John’s Church.

Hardwood waterfront community improvements provided community improvements at the hardwood dock, including lighting, a pavilion, picnic table, benches, trees, and flowers, planting exterior and interior changes to the dark washrooms, and regular beach clean-up installation flagpole and flag.

Pauling continues to celebrate the legacy of the Drove family century farm with her children and grandchildren, holding events at the farm that bring people from the family, longtime friends, and neighbors in Harwood together. She continues to dedicate herself to the hamlet of Harwood and the township of Hamilton, as well as her tireless community work.

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