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Tipping point and case surge on horizon for Northumberland if stay-at-home orders not followed

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Northumberland County is quickly reaching a tipping point when it comes to the pandemic. The new Medical Officer of Health for the region, Dr. Natalie Bocking, predicts a surge in the next few weeks. Hospitals in the county are preparing to deal with a spike in cases. Emergency plans are well underway, she said. Intensive care units across the province are filling up quickly as the third wave takes its toll. Continue Reading →

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Balancing rights critical as Cobourg Police charge protesters as they violate emergency orders

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For the past few weeks, Cobourg Police officers have charged protesters in front of Victoria Hall as they gather to defy provincial stay-at-home orders and other regulations to deliver their anti-pandemic message. For some in the community, there is a sigh of relief as concerns over the spread of COVID-19 and its variants have escalated in Northumberland. There are those who ask why this was not done sooner. Yet, there are others who raise concerns about the rights of people to express their views and gather peacefully. The laying of charges was such a major change in the approach by the police, a press conference was held last week to explain what was going on. Continue Reading →

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Northumberland group nominates Cuban medical team for Nobel Peace Prize, plus help with Canada’s pandemic response

Henry Reeve Brigade

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The full interview with bonus material:

Fifteen years ago, after Hurricane Michelle devastated Cuba, the government realized it needed to train emergency medical teams to deal with natural disasters. It figured this was not the last time severe weather or natural disasters would strike the island nation. Known and the Henry Reeve Brigade, it is a team of 8,000 medical professionals who are specially trained in dealing with disasters and epidemics. It has been deployed in 22 countries around the world since it began. It responded to hurricanes in Guatemala, floods in Bolivia, and an earthquake in China, among countless others catastrophes. Continue Reading →

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