Citizen journalist Scott Lamberton returns to his role at Cobourg council Monday night as Consider This tests...
Robert Washburn
Professor of e-journalism
Publisher of Consider This
[nggallery id=5] By Robert Washburn The  east pier should be good to go for the Waterfront Festival...
Citizen journalist Scott Lamberton returns to his regular post to provide live, interactive coverage of Cobourg council...
The details of the Cobourg Public Library board’s strategic planning session will be given tonight at its...
By Robert Washburn In an effort to build better relations with Cobourg residents, council decided to spend...
By Robert Washburn The replacement of windows to a downtown building turned into a major melee between...
Concerns over the conversion of a nine-unit apartment into a condominium were presented to Cobourg council Monday...
Special meeting regarding the conversion of an apartment at 45 Spencer Street kicks off the live, interactive...
In support of citizen journalist Deb O’Connor’s series on mental health in Northumberland County, this backgrounder will...
By Deborah O’Connor The first week of May marked the sixtieth annual Mental Health Week across Canada...