This is an excerpt from a column by Councillor Forrest Rowden entitled: Please abide by Town bylaws...
Federal, provincial and municipal
By Robert Washburn If young people had voted in greater numbers during the last federal election, Stephen...
By Robert Washburn Cobourg will finally get a new dog park on William Street, despite months of...
By Robert Washburn As municipal politicians in West Northumberland County shake hands to greet residents at their...
By Robert Washburn With the recent visit of Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak to Northumberland last week...
By Robert Washburn While a trade deal with the European Union is being heralded as a big...
By Robert Washburn Cobourg Councillor Donna Todd gave a stinging indictment of her colleagues last week in...
By Robert Washburn It should be no surprise some local politicians are resoundingly rejecting the idea of...
By Robert Washburn Municipal government is quickly becoming a place where citizens and politicians can no longer...
By Robert Washburn The town will spend about $50,000 to review its organization and salaries with an...