New Blue Party candidate Joshua Chaloub talks about economy, healthcare, and education

Joshua Chaloub

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This is the third week of shows dedicated to candidate interviews for the provincial election for Northumberland Peterborough South on June 2. The order is completely random based on when the various campaigns were able to book interviews. The last two candidates for the provincial election are interviewed on this week’s show. Joshua Chaloub is the candidate for the New Blue Party. This is the first election for this brand new party. Continue Reading →

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Besides environment, Green Party candidate talks about opioids, housing and healthcare

Lisa Francis

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This interview is a bit different. Lisa Francis is a former student of mine from Loyalist College. You will hear her reference this in the interview. To avoid a conflict of interest, Olivia Waldriff, a reporter at Northumberland 89.7 FM, graciously stepped in to do the interview instead of me. So, here is Green Party candidate Lisa Francis. Continue Reading →

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Long-term care, housing divisive politics and more addressed by NDP candidate


The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This is the second week of shows dedicated to candidate interviews for the provincial election for Northumberland Peterborough South to be held on June 2. The order is completely random based on when the various campaigns were able to book interviews. This week we will start with NDP candidate Kim McArthur Jackson. You might recognize her name. She was also the NDP candidate in the federal election this past fall. Continue Reading →

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Liberal candidate Jeff Kawzenuk discusses party platform, including healthcare, education and more

Jeff Kawzenuk

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This week’s show is the start of a series of candidate interviews for the provincial election in Northumberland Peterborough South. The order is completely random based on when the various campaigns were able to book interviews. Without any further ado, here is Liberal candidate Jeff Kawzenuk. Originally aired: May 13, 2022 Continue Reading →

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Incumbent Progressive Conservative candidate David Piccini addresses record

David Piccini candidate

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This week’s show starts a series of candidate interviews for the provincial election in Northumberland Peterborough South. The order is completely random based on when the various campaigns were able to book interviews. To begin, you will hear from incumbent David Piccini, the Progressive Conservative candidate. Originally aired: May 13, 2022

  Continue Reading →

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