Changes to legislation could end up impacting property taxes and your neighbourhood


The show:

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The Ontario government made a significant announcement saying it would make changes to speed up the building of affordable houses and rental units. Several sweeping changes are meant to speed up the process and make it cheaper to build units. On the surface, it sounds great. But when I talked to Cobourg planners at town hall, there was a different picture. The money developers could end up on your tax bill. Continue Reading →

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A view from the frontlines: Inside the CUPE protest in Northumberland

CUPE member Lynn Lewis.

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Last week, we watched as the Ontario government imposed a contract on support workers in our schools. These workers belong to the Canadian Union of Public Employees or CUPE. When it announced the deal is said Premier Doug Ford said he wanted to keep kids in the classroom. The provincial government also used the notwithstanding clause to prevent any appeals of its legislation. Then, last Friday, those workers held a protest. Continue Reading →

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Inside a Poppy Campaign: raising money for veterans with Colborne Legion Branch 187

Colborne Legion Poppy Campaign Remembrance Day

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Take a moment and think about your local Legion. There is one in Cobourg, Port Hope. There is another in Colborne, Brighton, and Campbellford. But don’t forget Grafton, Warkworth, and Hastings. For most of us, it is only this time of year, as November 11 – Remembrance Day – approaches, we reflect on those who serve in the military. Continue Reading →

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Canada Cares seeks nominations in Northumberland and across Canada for caregiver awards

Canada Cares elderly woman in wheelchair

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Nearly half the population of Northumberland County are seniors. That means there are a lot of organizations and people dedicated to caring for the elderly. Whether it is Northumberland Community Care, Ed’s Hospice, or Meals on Wheels, numerous groups help. Then, there are the family members – spouses, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters. Now, take another moment and think about all who look after those with physical and mental challenges. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg police release $7 million 2023 operating budget for public input

New electric police car

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Inflation is hovering around seven or eight percent. The cost of gas is through the roof. If you want to buy something, you are going to pay more. It is no different for the Cobourg police or any police force for that matter. As we go into November, it is budget time. Continue Reading →

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