In Their Words: County grapples with town over license for portion of 310 Division Street to open

New Transition House

The warning room at the new shelter site is ready to open. The license under the Emergency Care Bylaw is pending as the town and Northumberland County figure out how to resolve a dispute.

The future of the 310 Division Street project is the centre of an ongoing debate between county and Cobourg politicians.

Nights and days are becoming colder. The sale of the former Brookside property is a few weeks away, leaving the people living in the encampment with a precarious future.

County politicians discussed what was next for the facility at its Oct. 16 regular council meeting, . Renovations for the warming room are complete. It was scheduled to open on Oct. 18, while the second phase of remodeling is completed.

But there was a catch. The county did not have its Emergency Care Establishment license from the town.

County staff are asking for several exemptions from the town.

One concern surrounds offsite security. The county argues it has no jurisdiction over someone’s behaviour once they leave the building.

Then, there are two legal issues related to liability. These deal with wording and interpreting the language.

The launch date was not the only hiccup.

Additional pressure was placed on council regarding the timing of an appeal of the disputed clauses. The town’s bylaw says a hearing to resolve issues between parties must notify Cobourg 10 days after the town responds to a license request. Chief Administration Officer Jennifer Moore told councillors at the meeting that it had a few days before the deadline.

Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky raised other concerns, asking for more time to consider the information provided at the county council meeting. She wanted the county council to postpone the decision until politicians could digest the reports.

In the end, you will hear politicians grapple with all these factors. Listen and see what you think about the final decision.

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