Executive director of Horizons of Friendship update after a year under new leadership


Facilitated by DESMI, men and women from various communities represented the Network of Seed Guardians in the Assembly of the Mayan Network of Guardians and Guardians of Seeds and Mother Earth (i.e., state-level meetings), held in Pactium Tumbalá. These meetings promote food sovereignty and are a way to keep traditional agricultural practices alive. We are excited to share that, to date, DESMI has successfully engaged 347 families in food security and sovereignty work.

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

A lot has changed at Horizons of Friendship in the past year. The non-government organization that serves Mexico and Central America experienced a major transition as a new executive director took over. Certainly, familiar programs supporting migrant workers are ongoing. So is the health promotion project in Guatemala.

But as the world’s eyes focus on Ukraine and the Middle East, Central America falls into the shadows. Executive Director RODRIGO KONIGS will update us on new developments, proposed projects, and the fiscal situation at the Cobourg-based organization.

Originally aired: May 10, 2024


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