March 5, 2025

4 thoughts on “Does the Cobourg Zellers have a Target on it?

  1. Cobourg’s Zellers store is going to be converted into something else just not a Target store. 🙁 Which pisses me off because we have a prime location. 🙁

  2. Dear Buckey ……… i have no idea where you get your info but CN had hired hundreds of people to work on this project and alot from this area , yes CN is americanzied to the hilt and its terrible… If you wanna make a difference and show your displeasure of Americans working in our back yard do what i did and personally send a letter to CN s new president .. From what i understand hes not a bad guy!

  3. What is happening in Cobourg and many other parts of Canada is a result of federal government trade policies, especially the NAFTA agreement where, since 1986, over 13,000 Canadian Companies have been sold to foreigners, mostly American. NAFTA gives foreign corporations the same rights as Canadian Corporations, and the ability of Canadians to allow only foreign investment that is beneficial to Canada has disappeared. A good local example of this is the selling of Canadian National Railways to an American corporation. The hundreds of millions of dollars that Via Rail pays CN to operate on their tracks is paid to a foreign corporation, and not to a Canadian company. When CN was sold to a for profit foreign corporation, CN moved many of its office functions to the US. The recent expansion of CN trackage in the Cobourg area, supported by Canadian taxpayers, was constructed using a US company with personnel from the Port Huron Michigan area, and most of the materials are of US origin. When CN was Canadian, the Via funds went back into the Canadian economy, the purchase of Canadian products was encouraged and most of the head office activities were conducted in Montreal.

    The Conservative leader S. Harper +has made his views clear on Canadian sovereignty clear – “And we cannot be effective at major economic matters any longer unless we work with our economic partners around the world and work with them closely and intimately. That is essential. I know some people don’t like it. It is a loss of National Sovereignty but it is a simple reality. It is a simple reality.”

    It is time that Canadians told their politicians we want policies that will benefit Canadians, not foreign corporations.

  4. Before HBC was sold to American interests a few years ago, I was one of those people who rarely shopped at Wal Mart, since supporting Canadian businesses is important to me. It seemed pointless after that but I kept going to Zellers anyway because Wal Mart’s labour practices are so odious.

    Unfortunately our local Zellers has gone down hill recently. The store is a mess with stuff lying around everywhere, and it seems like every couple of months they try to re-organize it without ever quite finishing the job. I hope they can stick around under their own banner but the place needs improvement, and if sales aren’t strong enough, will their owners bother to invest in it or just get rid of it? We can’t afford to lose the store, that is clear. Aside from anything else we’d have to face all those Wal Mart opponents running around yelling “I told you so” all day long.

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