March 31, 2025

1 thought on “Cobourg’s parking mess

  1. I certainly agree with the thrust of Mr. Draper’s argument here, that the Town needs to develop clear policies and consistency to our parking rules. The multitude of free parking passes irritates me to no end, and as someone who grew up here, having to pay to park at the Park just doesn’t sit well. I can live with it, but not if nearly 800 other people get a freebie for reasons that are not clear at all.

    I’m not so sure the residents at New Amherst should be held blameless in their parking mess though. If they had done their research properly before buying, they would have known what they were getting into, and if they didn’t know, what was their real estate agent doing to earn that commission? Due diligence is what they call it, and every homebuyer should know about it.

    As to garages filled with stuff rather than being used for vehicles, my advice is to clean out the stuff! The Salvation Army will gladly find new homes for anything useable, and we have landfills for the rest of it. All of us could use less stuff, and after we slog through the big clear out, we tend to think twice before starting a new pile.

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