Burd Report demystifies objections to Legion proposal

By Robert Washburn

The Burd Report for the fantastic job it did analyzing the comments for the planning report for the new Legion building proposed for Orr and Hibernia streets.

Creating a chart, the Burd Report breaks down key words in letters submitted to the town to identify specific objections, including no specific objection. It deflates the argument made by supporters that a form letter was used. It also provides clear patterns pertaining to the objections. As the Burd Report notes, the majority support a four-storey building.

No doubt, this took a bit of time to produce. Still, it is incredibly valuable. It is a great example of a blogger acting as a journalist might. The only thing missing to make it a story are the comments from the various officials and politicians. All the same, it works and is a great service for the readers.

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