March 9, 2025

2 thoughts on “Anonymous complaints cause real trouble

  1. Thanks for your comment, I can understand why people might hesitate before making a complaint. However, in the scenario you’ve described, the bylaw officer would have no need to identify the complainant since the abandoned cars, uncut grass and appliances lying around would be clear evidence of the need for intervention. I think that would be true of any similar situation, and the bylaw officers would be trained in exercising discretion regardless. Your scenario is pure fiction, after all, and we can’t run our municipalities based on peoples’ imaginations.

  2. Your story makes sense upon initial reading. In many cases, an anonymous tip can be made in order to cause disruption to another persons life.
    In the case of a municipal complaint agains a neighbour, anonymity is the best policy.
    Whether it is something major or minor, in a municipal case, it’s not a big deal. In fact, the only thing that it will serve will be to make a person hesitant about lodge a complaint against a neighbour.
    An example: You have seen the house in your area. 3 or 4 abandoned/non plated cars in the yard, grass never cut, Various appliances on the porch or in front of the garage. The resident may be disadvantaged to some extent.
    Tired of looking at the mess, and having it devalue the property values in the area, you call the town/municipality to lodge a complaint under a property standards by-law. You must, in order for the complaint to be acted on, leave your name and other identifying information with the town office. The by-law officer come to visit and issues a ticket and an order to clean up the property or the town will do so. The occupant wants to know whom filed the complaint……Here’s where things will get real interesting….
    The messy neighbour isn’t disadvantaged, he is unbalanced. Your mailbox gets vandalized in the middle of the night. You come out one morning to go to work and find that you have 4 flat tires on your car. You know who did it. You want to call the police but, they can’t prove it. They might even go talk to the neighbour. Then round 2 starts…
    Do you see where I am going with this? It’s not a “might” happen scenario. It happens every day.
    It’s not a criminal complaint situation. If it was, the police not the by-law inspector will be involved. If it’s a bogus complaint, the next one that is made might be questioned first.
    But, if things go the other way, after the by-law inspector/officer comes by, the police may well be involved shortly afterward.

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