Alderville member and new Southeast Regional Chief Marsha Smoke shares roles, responsibilities, and life


Alderville resident Marsha Smoke was recently elected Southeast Regional Chief for the Anishinaabek Nation.

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Marsha Smoke is a quiet, humble individual who lives in Alderville. When you meet her, she is soft-spoken, listens intently, and chooses her words with great care.

Marsha Smoke is also the new Southeast Regional Chief for the Anishinabek Nation. Northumberland is part of the area she serves. Smoke is a longtime advocate of Indigenous rights dating back decades. She takes on the pressing issues facing First Nations in her new role, supporting chiefs like Alderville’s Taynar Simpson and others. She is also a successful entrepreneur, a knowledge keeper, and a loving great-grandmother. To find out more, have a listen.

Originally aired: August 30, 2024


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