March 4, 2025

1 thought on “Swift action urged for parking

  1. One aspect of downtown parking I hope is considered is the needs of the disabled. For those struggling with mobility, finding a parking spot close to the destination is critical. As so many of us are aging at the same time, more handicapped parking is required if we are to continue being able to get around with some independence. In my own experience, if I can’t park near a store’s doors, then I can’t visit that store. Plain and simple. This is an issue that won’t go away, it will only become bigger over time.

    What to do with motorized scooters is a whole other dilemma as more and more of us take to those machines when canes and walkers aren’t enough support anymore. At some point discussions need to happen on that topic too.

    The disabled have money to spend, let’s help them continue doing that in person and not sitting at their computers ordering goods online because it’s less hassle.

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