Cramahe Township

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Mayor explains public conduct policy as council grapples with interactions between staff, politicians and residents

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

If you go into many retail outlets or any place that provides customer service, you will see signs warning people about rude behaviour. It appears some people forget their manners. At a recent Cramahe Township council meeting, staff and politicians grappled with bad behaviour. It is one of a host of municipalities struggling to set boundaries for interactions between the community and the people who serve it. Council introduced a public conduct policy at the behest of the Ontario Ombudsman. Continue Reading →

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Cramahe mayor discusses impact after closing of local grocery store on local economy, development

Colborne Foodland

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

The recent loss of the Foodland grocery store in Colborne was a blow to the community. The parent company, Sobey’s, sent a letter to the municipality telling them it was not interested in building a new store. A major fire destroyed the building last May. As expected, there was regret and disappointment at first. Then, the question became, what’s next? Continue Reading →

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Municipality, neighbours, and Community Care respond after Colborne grocery store fire

Foodland fire Colborne

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

A fire was called in on May 24, just before 5 a.m. The Foodland in Colborne was burning down. It would be devastating to the community as it was the only grocery store. Within no time, the residents responded. Offers for rides or to pick up groceries filled social media. Municipal staff jumped in to provide coordination. Continue Reading →

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In Cramahe Township 17 of 20 bridges need repair

By Mandy Martin

CRAMAHE TWP. — Of the 20 Cramahe Twp.-owned bridges inspected for structural safety this year, 17 are identified as requiring some form of repair, rehabilitation and/or replacement by D.M. Mills, the engineering firm contracted by the municipality for $3,200 to do the inspections. The engineering firm suggested Cramahe schedule the estimated $2,277,000 of 16 recommended repairs over a 10-year period, with the highest priority items first. Top priority is the replacement of the Bailey Road bridge at an estimated cost of $495,000, followed by $48,000 of guide rail improvements of the Dawson Road bridge. Following the Bailey and Dawson Road projects by priority and estimated cost are:
• replacing Dingman Road bridge, $585,000;
• concrete patch, waterproof, pave, install guide rails and address settlement connections for Ontario St. Continue Reading →

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McGlennon remains insurance broker for Cramahe Twp.

By Mandy Martin

CRAMAHE Twp. — Cramahe Twp. council has gone with the higher of two bids submitted to act as the municipality’s insurance broker. Earlier this year, Deputy mayor Sandra Arthur pushed to have the brokerage service put to tender to ensure competitive pricing is in effect. Council directed staff to ask for quotes from potential insurance brokers. 
Only two firms submitted quotes for a five-year term: WWD McGlennon Insurance Broker Ltd. Continue Reading →

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