Cobourg Police

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Cobourg police board chair and chief provide context to upcoming debate on future of force

Cobourg drug bust

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

At an upcoming Cobourg council meeting, politicians will debate whether it will start negotiations towards a possible merger of the Cobourg and Port Hope Police. Council is also considering contacting Hamilton Township, which the OPP currently serves. In this interview, you will hear what the Cobourg Police Services Board chair, Ron Kerr, thinks about all of this. Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf joins him. Cobourg already works with multiple police forces. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg chief gives context to debate over possible police mergers

Cobourg Police STEP

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

On April 1, the new Community Safety and Policing Act came into effect. It was a long time coming. The changes in the rules and regulations related to policing underwent a major restructuring. It sent shockwaves through the province, motivating the need for rethink local policing. Cobourg and Port Hope are in the midst of adjusting to the new system. Continue Reading →

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In Their Words: Cobourg council debates first step to single police force with Port Hope and Hamilton Townshp

Cobourg Police Cruiser

The show:

Cobourg council debated the future of the Cobourg Police force at a special meeting called by Mayor Lucas Cleveland Thursday. Its purpose was to discuss a motion to contact the Port Hope and Hamilton Township councils to see if they were interested in creating a single police service for the three municipalities. This is the debate that took place at that meeting. The discussion by politicians has three parts. It begins with a prepared statement read by the mayor. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg Police officers getting special training to better help troubled veterans

Homeless veteran

Veterans who are unsheltered and coming into contact with Cobourg police officers could get some unexpected help after the launch of a new program recently. The Military Veteran Wellness Program announced on Aug. 20 will train frontline officers to identify those who are unsheltered or facing a mental health crisis. Officers will have the necessary awareness to better recognize those veterans in trouble. Then, it gives the officers the skills to build rapport with the person and a formal path to helping the veteran access essential social services delivered through existing agencies. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg police step up enforcement using dynamic patrol and Downtown Community Action Plan, says chief


The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Cobourg police Chief Paul VandeGraaf discusses the increased focus on the Dynamic Patrol and the Downtown Community Action Plan. He will look at the impact of these initiatives, what they mean to public safety and law enforcement, and the cost to taxpayers. He will address the concerns related to the increasing size of homeless encampment and the recent spike in drug-related arrests and weapons charges. Lastly, the Chief will speak to the potential risks and strategies, along with the future of the encampment site. Originally aired: June 21, 2024 Continue Reading →

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