On a wet September evening in Shoreditch, East London, the editors of New Internationalist meet their magazine’s...
Shattered is directed by Lindsay Fitzgerald, a graduate of Ryerson’s journalism and documentary-media MFA programs. While Canadian...
Twelve years before Canada became a country, reporters and editors at the Pembroke Daily Observer were covering...
This being National Newspaper Week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided to send out a tweet extolling the...
According to data collected by the Local News Research Project, a majority of closures have been community...
The number of articles generated by community newspapers in Canada has declined by almost half over the...
With newspaper advertising revenues decreasing and communities across the country increasingly at risk of losing local news,...
National Newspaper Week started on Monday and concludes on Sunday, Oct. 7. This year’s theme is “Now...
Postmedia Network Canada Corp. is closing six more newspapers in Ontario and Alberta and ending print production...
A recently-released study shows the impact that community newspapers continue to have. The study was conducted by...