New legislation makes it easier for developers, but less local control, says planner

PLan of subdivision

The show:

The provincial government passed new legislation just before the end of April. It will make it easier for developers to get approvals for their plans. For some, it is reducing red tape. For others, it represents less local control. A mini-documentary featuring Anne Taylor Scott, the town planner for Cobourg, will explore how this will change where you live. Continue Reading →

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Details of a $110-million project bringing high-speed Internet to rural Northumberland

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

If you are a person living anywhere in rural Northumberland County, there was good news for you last week. High-speed internet is coming. The little spinning beach ball is gone. The downloads that seem to take an eternity are over. That’s what politicians are promising. Continue Reading →

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Hospital board looking to become more diverse and inclusive during recruitment drive

Northumberland Hills Hospital Board 2019

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

If you were to look at a group picture of the board of the Northumberland Hills Hospital, some things would stand out. First, you need to remove all the staff and department heads to see the community members. Then, you will notice there are more women than men. You might also notice that there is not a lot of diversity regarding representatives from community members beyond that. If you dig a bit deeper, you might also find there is not a lot of inclusiveness regarding race, economic class, and age. Continue Reading →

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County pays lion’s share of pilot regional transit system connecting to GO trains in Oshawa

GO Transit announcement

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Northumberland Peterborough South MPP David Piccini and Transportation Minister Carolyn Mulroney stood in front of a green GO bus and several municipal leaders. The message was simple. Northumberland County residents were getting a long-awaited connection to the GO station in Oshawa. It is a milestone announcement, especially with a provincial election only days away. In this interview, you will hear from county warden Bob Crate. Continue Reading →

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Peterborough group offer affordable mental health services for Northumberland starting next week


The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

There is always a need for more mental health services in Northumberland. Talk to anyone providing those services, and they will tell you: we are doing a great job, but it would be better if we could expand to meet the actual need. Last year, the Northumberland Community Counselling Centre closed its doors. It left about 1,000 people without mental health services. Some of its programs involved helping women facing violence, and there was a child witness program. Continue Reading →

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