Major tourism promotion run by four chambers of commerce in Northumberland gets review

Nancy Allanson

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Tourism in Ontario is a $38 billion business. It is a critical part of Northumberland County’s economy. It generates $120 million annually, according to a 2021 county report. Tourism operators and related businesses have faced tough times for the past two years. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and various public health measures crippled the industry. Continue Reading →

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The election numbers reveal much more than low voter turnout as expert tackles the results

Richard Quodomine

The show:

The full broadcast with bonus material:

Rich Quodomine loves numbers. And, he is a respected academic and professional, who deals with statistics. In this interview, we will look into what the low voter turnout meant in last week’s election. And, we will make our way through the local results to see what it tells us about the campaigns and ourselves as voters. Here is that interview. Continue Reading →

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Rick Beaver sharing personal history and some of Alderville’s past for Indigenous History Month

Rick Beaver

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

June is Indigenous History Month. On June 21, it is National Aboriginal Day. It is for these significant commemorations today’s show has a special guest. Rick Beaver, an artist, elder, and conservationist living in Alderville, will share his personal recollections of Alderville. Plus, he will give insight into Indigenous life celebrated in his art and conservation activities. Continue Reading →

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Former MPP and Northumberland County resident digs into local and provincial election results

Steve Gilchrist

The full interview:

On June 2, a historic election took place in Ontario and in Northumberland. David Piccini was re-elected as the MPP for Northumberland Peterborough South with over 26,000 votes, increasing his tally by six percent over the last election. Liberal Jeff Kawazenuk had half as many votes. The NDP candidate Kim McArthur Jackson also took a huge hit. For Green Party candidate Lisa Frances, she met her own goal. Continue Reading →

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Ontario Party candidate Vanessa Head share platform on affordable housing, education, and more.

Vanessa Head

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

This is the third week of shows dedicated to candidate interviews for the provincial election for Northumberland Peterborough South on June 2. The order is completely random based on when the various campaigns were able to book interviews. The last two candidates for the provincial election are interviewed on this week’s show. This interview is with the Ontario Party candidate Vanessa Head. She lives in Norwood. Continue Reading →

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