Survivor night honours first responders and those they saved with heartfelt stories

Survivor Night

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

Seeing an ambulance travelling the roads across Northumberland County is not unusual. Paramedics attend about 23,000 calls a year. But have you ever wondered about the person inside? What has happened? How serious is it? Continue Reading →

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Homeless Day march spawns statement from county on warming room prep

Homeless person out in the cold

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Last week, a group of advocates held a march in Cobourg on World Homeless Day. They walked from the courthouse on William Street to the County building hoping to raise awareness about those sleeping in the rough in parks and other public spaces across Northumberland. Notably, four days before the march, Northumberland County Warden Bob Crate released a pre-emptive statement saying the county was finalizing the setting up warming rooms. The statement also mentioned getting input from people with lived experience. It also went on to describe other steps the county was taking to help homeless people. In this interview with Jennifer Moore, CAO of Northumberland County will dig deeper into the statement and what is actually going on when it comes to preparations to address the needs of people who find themselves without shelter. Continue Reading →

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Hospital officials outline strategic plan for healthcare and its impact on you

Northumberland HIlls Hospital

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

People First –  That is the top line of the new strategic plan for Northumberland Hills Hospital. While some may think that is a bit obvious, the simplicity masks a deeper meaning. In this interview, Susan Walsh, CEO of Northumberland Hills Hospital, and Pam Wente, former hospital board chair, will explain. It is not just about putting people at the centre of care. It also speaks to diversity. Continue Reading →

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Working hard to get voters out: municipal clerks explain what’s happening in Northumberland

Online Voting

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

During the last election in 2018, voter turnout in Northumberland varied widely. In Brighton, there was nearly a 60 percent turnout. That is huge. And it is way over the average turnout. For municipalities the size of Brighton, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario says it is usually 45 percent of eligible voters. Continue Reading →

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Lees keys in on taxes in the face of inflation, development, affordable housing and more

Jeff Lees

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

There is only one week left until the municipal election on October 24. Most municipalities have started voting already. This week is the last candidate for mayor for me to interview. Please remember I am only interviewing the mayoral candidates running for office across Northumberland County. I will not be interviewing deputy mayor or council candidates. Continue Reading →

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