Shattered is directed by Lindsay Fitzgerald, a graduate of Ryerson’s journalism and documentary-media MFA programs. While Canadian...
The cuts at the Daily News came Monday, and they were as bad as anyone expected ....
Rusty Clark/Flickr The decline of local news is one of those developments that almost everyone knows can’t...
A survey by the News Co/Lab at Arizona State University and Google Surveys. Executive Summary The News...
Even in the age of Trump, and with trust in journalists at historic lows, much of the...
TRENTON — Late Sunday night, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy approved dedicating $5 million to the Civic...
A more nuanced understanding of “journalism” is desperately needed — and we need our communities’ help Trusting...
It’s not news that it’s tough times for the newspaper industry. A March 2018 study published in...
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Twelve years before Canada became a country, reporters and editors at the Pembroke Daily Observer were covering...