January 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “Funding loss cripples local agencies serving poor

  1. Just learned that Social Services will be asking for approval at Wednesday, Jan. 23 County Council meeting to pay a consultant $41,750 to help them work out a ten year plan for housing/homelessness issues.

    This is a slap in the face to all the people who’ll be turned down for emergency help because there’s no money, and equally to all their community partners and the low income community, who would have been happy to work on a plan like that for no charge. How about the Poverty Reduction Committee, what happened to fulfilling their stated purpose?

    It’s a disgrace.

  2. Finally the empire strikes back. From the very day that the Help Centre opened the “suits” hated it because they could not control it. Shamed into UW funding by the very need, the County still treated the Agency with much disdain, after all they had the professionals and the HC didn’t.

    With the funding gone the “suits” now take over and the question is “how much will it cost to administer the meagre programs that will replace the HC”. Dollars to a donut two people will be hired to do the work – and it’s a sure bet the laid-off workers at the HC will not be either of them.

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