Cobourg Collegiate Institute’s salsa kids rerun for a summer feel-good story

Some of the Cobourg Collegiate Institute (CCI) Grade 12 business class pictured at the Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre (OAFVC) in Colborne holding their retail-ready salsa products. Photo courtesy of Northumberland County

The show:

In the midst of a summer heat wave, it seems like a good time to take a break. This week on Consider This Northumberland, you will hear a favourite story.

This story is about the Salsa kids. A group of 19 business students from Cobourg Collegiate Institute got some fantastic hands-on experience last semester. The class planned, developed, produced, and marketed their own retail-ready salsa. It was a three-month project. The young people worked with the Business and Entrepreneurship Centre Northumberland and the Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre in Colborne.

They did everything from cooking to designing the labels to packing boxes. In the end, they had 600 jars of salsa to sell. It is an example of the innovative education students are getting at CCI.

Originally aired: August 2, 2024


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