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Returning to the newsroom as a multimedia journalist

By Robert Washburn

Having just spent the last week working as a reporter for two different platforms, the experience was amazing. As always, it is through the experience something new is revealed. For two weeks I am reporting for both Northumberland Today and the community radio station Northumberland 89.7 FM. The newspaper’s managing editor generously supported the idea and the radio station is very accommodating.  Days are spent gathering news and by 4 p.m. I am delivering a 7-minute newscast that is recorded and repeated throughout the evening. Continue Reading →

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COPA nominees announced

COPA nominees announced. I am very proud to be a member of a team of writers who are nominated for a Canadian Online Publishing Award for a series done on the Russell Williams trial for J-Source.ca. Congrats to all members and to J-Source. J-Source is also nominated for its three-part series on the coverage of the Russell Williams trial: Has coverage of Col. Williams gone too far? Continue Reading →

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A letter to the team on Dan Gilmour



Dan Gilmour, author of We Media, a seminal book in citizen journalism, makes the most honest confessions about his experiment in San Francisco. As a team of researchers, we should express great empathy for what he says and his experience. I also take solace in our work, since we often meet with the same result.

Our Vote experience, while brief, peaked at 1,177 visitors. We had 130 visitors Monday night and another 135 Tuesday during our election coverage. It dropped to 22 on Wednesday. Continue Reading →

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beyond Deuze

Since starting my MA, Mark Deuze represented a keystone for my work. Particularly his definition of key tools: hyperlinking, multimediality and interactivity. I am now adding immediacy to this list. The ability to create timely news for instant consumption for audiences is critical. First posted: 12/11/06 Continue Reading →

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Adding from the researcher's fieldbook

Back in 2006, I created a private blog where I started to work out some ideas around e-journalism. Then, for a few years, I used the blog as a place for assignments when I was studying under Prof. Fred Fletcher at York University, working on my Master’s degree. The server that holds these entries is being shut down and replaced, so I have decided to come out from under my shell and share these. Some of it is pretty rough and the ideas are not fully developed; however, I think it is good to show how my concepts, notions, ideas, and brainstorms helped me develop my current thinking around e-journalism

Cheers! Continue Reading →

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