Social Justice

Issues related to social injustices within the community

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Port Hope Rainbow Network celebrates Pride Month, sharing LGBTQ2+ community across Northumberland

Port Hope Rainbow Network

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Pride Month is in full swing. Following a major event in downtown Cobourg with a parade, music, booths, and a sidewalk sale, Northumberland County is bursting at the seams with local Pride events. In this interview, you will hear from the Port Hope Rainbow Network. You will learn about the work this group does in the community during Pride Month. But it aspires to do more. Continue Reading →

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Food insecurity and poverty in Northumberland remain deep concerns for health unit as costs soar

Food insecurity

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It’s a startling fact. Nearly one in 10 people living in Northumberland County struggle to survive on a low income. According to officials, this isn’t just a statistic; it’s a pressing issue that demands our attention. These individuals, including seniors, those on employment insurance, disability payments, and others, face daily hardships. The situation is so severe that the number of people relying on food banks in Northumberland has surged by 50 percent. Continue Reading →

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Chief discusses major steps Alderville is taking towards self-determination in housing and band elections

Alderville band council 2024

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Alderville First Nations are taking several significant steps to empower them in critical areas. There are historic barriers to Indigenous people owning homes on First Nations reserves. In this interview, Chief Taynar Simpson will talk about how members can purchase land and own their homes. Next, you will hear Simpson outline how the community moves towards self-determination in electing its band council. Historically, First Nations faced a prescribed process mirroring settler’s forms of democracy. Continue Reading →

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Transitioning back into the Northumberland community after leaving an abusive relationship

Women sexual assault

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Please be aware that the first segment of today’s show may cause distress to some people as it deals with sexual assault and violence against women. Thank you. About one in three women and one in 10 men will experience sexual violence in their lifetime. That is according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Locally, no specific statistics are given to residents of Northumberland. Continue Reading →

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Executive director of Horizons of Friendship update after a year under new leadership


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A lot has changed at Horizons of Friendship in the past year. The non-government organization that serves Mexico and Central America experienced a major transition as a new executive director took over. Certainly, familiar programs supporting migrant workers are ongoing. So is the health promotion project in Guatemala. But as the world’s eyes focus on Ukraine and the Middle East, Central America falls into the shadows. Continue Reading →

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Day of Mourning commemorates 20th anniversary of Westray Mine disaster legislation

Northumberland Labour Council President Dan Tobin

The full interview

In 1996, 26 workers in the Westray mine in Plymouth, Nova Scotia, lost their lives. In 2004, after a lengthy battle, unions successfully lobbied the federal government to make corporations criminally liable for workplace deaths and injuries. This victory will be commemorated at the Day of Mourning event at Lucas Point Park in Cobourg this Sunday. While people still die on the job and more people are injured, it is not all bad news. In this interview with Dan Tobin, president of the Northumberland Labour Council, he will discuss the staggering numbers but also some of the good news surrounding occupational safety in the workplace. Continue Reading →

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Internationally renowned Canadian journalist shares stories of women and children facing war and oppression.

Sally Armstrong

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The Canadian Federation of University Women in Belleville is hosting a community event with Sally Armstrong on Saturday, April 27. She is an internationally renowned Canadian journalist, author, documentary filmmaker, and human rights activist. She is often called the war correspondent for the world’s women. Armstrong has reported for CBC, CTV, Globe and Mail, and the New York Times from Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Jordan, and Israel. In this interview, she is outspoken, insightful, and sometimes shocking. Continue Reading →

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Transition House officials respond to impact of Cobourg’s emergency shelter bylaw

Transition House

The full interview:

Plans for 310 Division Street continue to move forward. Senior staff at Northumberland County and Cobourg are hammering away at a deal to operate an emergency shelter. Meanwhile, the town’s bylaws are now in place to regulate operations at local shelters, including Transition House and Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre. County Warden Brian Ostrander and Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland appeared on last week’s show to discuss the situation. Meanwhile, the provincial government provided $2.5 million to renovate the former senior’s residence, with the caveat that the work must begin within the next four months. Continue Reading →

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Cobourg’s mayor explains recent debate over emergency shelter bylaw and its impacts

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At a council meeting on February 28, Cobourg politicians approved a bylaw to regulate emergency shelters regarding operations, safety, and security. The most notable impacts will be on Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre and Transition House. The bylaw is meant to address concerns from the public, town staff, and politicians over the new shelter planned for 310 Division Street, a former senior residence. The county purchased it and recently received $2.5 million from the Ontario government for renovations. During a special county council meeting on March 6, Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland passionately defended his municipality’s decision. Continue Reading →

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County warden addresses concerns over Cobourg emergency shelter bylaw

Northumberland County Council

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The full interview with bonus material:

Earlier this month, tensions between Cobourg and Northumberland County were on display. Cobourg passed new bylaws impacting emergency shelters within the town. This would include Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre and Transition House. The bylaw is aimed at quelling concerns raised by many about the relocation of Transition House to 310 Division Street. Since the county is responsible for Transition House, county staff and politicians called a special council meeting on March 6. Continue Reading →

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