Social Justice

Issues related to social injustices within the community

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Personhood proposal for the Ganaraska River, plus details of the new $48.7 billion child welfare plan

Alderville First Nation Chief Taynar Simpson and Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky are exploring the possibility of seeking personhood for the Ganaraska River. This is similar to the efforts to protect the Magpie River in Quebec. Simpson explains in this podcast that giving the river the status of a person under the law would provide better protection than what currently exists. While the talks are moving forward, this is the first time the initiative is being made public, and the implications are explained. This podcast also includes the details of a $47.8-billion child welfare agreement announced at the recent Assembly of First Nations meeting near Montreal. Continue Reading →

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Request for building permits submitted to Cobourg as county pushes ahead on new shelter

New Transition House

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Recently, a progress report regarding the new homeless shelter at 310 Division Street was provided to Northumberland County Council. At its June meeting, the council also received an update on its affordable housing and homeless strategy. Rebecca Carman, associate director of housing and homelessness for Northumberland County, will bring us up to speed on what is happening. The building permits for renovating the new shelter are submitted to the town’s building department. She will provide some timelines. Continue Reading →

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Parents get daycare relief as Northumberland County adds 181 new spaces, says manager

YMCA daycare

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Parents looking for childcare received big news recently. The county announced the creation of an additional 181 daycare spaces, which is significant given that more than 3,000 families are on waitlists. The new spaces will be in Port Hope, Warkworth, and the Northumberland Centre for Individual Studies in Cobourg. Yet Lesley Patterson, manager of the Early Year services program, said this is a step in the right direction. The county is working towards adding more than 404 spaces by 2026. Continue Reading →

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Mother pleads with Brighton council to reduce speed limit after near fatal accident


A distraught mother begged Brighton council to take action to lower the speed limit on County Road 2 in the east end near No Frills after a recent near-fatal accident involving her son. In an emotional presentation to politicians at the June 24 regular council meeting, Sarah BouDiab Nader described an incident on May 31 at nearly 9 a.m. as her son was preparing to board a school bus. As he stepped out, a truck sped by the bus, almost hitting him, she told council. Had it not been for her quick action of grabbing his coat and pulling him back, he would have died, she said, fighting back tears. Nader has three children. Continue Reading →

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Alderville Chief attends historic Anishinabek Nation meeting where traditional election revived

Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly elected Linda Debassige as the Grand Council Chief


At a landmark meeting of the Anishinabek Nation earlier this month, members selected Linda Debassige as the new Grand Council Chief using a traditional stand-up vote for the first time in decades. Alderville First Nation Chief Taynar Simpson attended the meeting. He talks about this historic moment on the show, including the preparations, the nomination, and the final selection. He will also discuss the agenda items covered and the concerns raised during the meeting. Later, he will look ahead to a significant proposal he hopes to raise at another important meeting of chiefs. Continue Reading →

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New Northumberland United Way Executive Director checks in to share first six months on the job

Day of Caring Northumberland United WAy

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So many people are struggling. Food bank use is up. We are reminded daily about the lack of affordable housing and homelessness. Drugs and the opioid crisis are serious concerns. While many organizations and institutions struggle with these problems, one agency tries to help them all. Continue Reading →

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In the shadow of the pandemic, health unit brings back programs in 2023, according to annual report

Vaccination clinic COVID-19 CCC

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For most of us, the pandemic is a memory. People have moved on. For the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, the pandemic continued to influence services and programs in 2023 up until today. In this interview with Dr. Natalie Bocking, the chief medical officer of health, she will explain what has happened in the past year. It is all included in the health unit’s annual report. Continue Reading →

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Home Rainbow Youth Centre serving LGTBQ2+ community gets its official launch during Pride Month in Brighton

Meg Fox Home Rainbow Youth Centre

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In 2018, a group of young people played Dungeons & Dragons in a space behind a downtown ice cream shop. It was an informal, safe place for some LGBTQ2 youth to hang out. The pandemic hit, and the group was unable to gather. But the idea of a gathering place for young people in Brighton has fermented for the past year. A group of dedicated volunteers and the support of Brighton council, an organization from Peterborough, and a local church have taken the concept to a new level. Continue Reading →

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Port Hope Rainbow Network celebrates Pride Month, sharing LGBTQ2+ community across Northumberland

Port Hope Rainbow Network

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Pride Month is in full swing. Following a major event in downtown Cobourg with a parade, music, booths, and a sidewalk sale, Northumberland County is bursting at the seams with local Pride events. In this interview, you will hear from the Port Hope Rainbow Network. You will learn about the work this group does in the community during Pride Month. But it aspires to do more. Continue Reading →

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Food insecurity and poverty in Northumberland remain deep concerns for health unit as costs soar

Food insecurity

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It’s a startling fact. Nearly one in 10 people living in Northumberland County struggle to survive on a low income. According to officials, this isn’t just a statistic; it’s a pressing issue that demands our attention. These individuals, including seniors, those on employment insurance, disability payments, and others, face daily hardships. The situation is so severe that the number of people relying on food banks in Northumberland has surged by 50 percent. Continue Reading →

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