Trent Hills celebrates Pride month as anti-gay, anti-trans movement spreads in Ontario

Trent Hills Pride Pet Parade

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The Durham District School Board banned spectators from its next two meetings due to safety concerns earlier this week. Members of the audience were ejected after making homophobic, transphobic, and hateful comments, according to trustees. It is one of several examples of anti-gay and anti-trans demonstrations across Ontario. Norwich Township and the city of Windsor were also in the news this past week. It all centres around Pride Month, which starts in June. Continue Reading →

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A-H Township short term rental operators, businesses seek changes to proposed bylaw

Short term rentals

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Municipalities across Northumberland County struggle to deal with short-term rentals. Those are the rental properties often associated with AirBnB or Verbo online platforms.

For some, renting a space, either a room or a house, is an excellent source of income. It can be a stimulant for the local economy. Others see it as a significant boost for tourism. Then, there are others who see it differently. Continue Reading →

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Community Counselling Resource Centre continues mental health services in Northumberland.

Community Counselling Resource Centre

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When it comes to mental health services in Northumberland, there are several options. These can range from private psychologists and psychiatrists to walk-in clinics and helplines. More than a year ago, Northumberland Community Counselling Centre shut its doors. It offered programs that served nearly 1,000 people annually; many were free or at a low cost. Some of those services were transferred to other agencies. Continue Reading →

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Proposed changes to short-term rentals in Alnwick-Haldimand coming to council


The story:

The future of short-term rentals in Alnwick-Haldimand Township is about to come to a head over the next few weeks. A coalition of short-term rental operators and the local business association have teamed up to fight proposed changes to a bylaw controlling short-term rentals. They argue the changes will further limit short-term rentals and continue to burden operators. Meanwhile, supporters of the bylaw welcome the restrictions limiting the places where short-term rentals can be located, plus other tweaks. The township has received complaints from neighbours of some short-term rentals regarding noise and parking violations. Continue Reading →

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Port Hope reviewing cultural plan from festivals to kids arts camp to Capitol Theatre

Cultivate Festival

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In 2012, Port Hope town council adopted a cultural plan with five strategic goals. The municipality would support cultural assets, raise awareness and build on existing assets, strengthen emerging cultural groups, increase cultural participation, and respond to cultural space needs. These lofty objectives have guided the town for the past decade. Now, they are being reviewed by town staff to figure out what should be happening for the next decade. Leslie Murray, Manager of Community Recreation and Culture, is reaching out to the public to get input on what should happen within Port Hope. Continue Reading →

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