Former warden interview revisited, giving a chance to reflect on the past year

The show:

A new year is about to begin. It can be a valuable exercise to reflect on the past 12 months. In this interview from a year ago, you will hear former Warden Mandy Martin. County council had just passed the 2023 budget. This is a great chance to compare what was promised with what happened. Continue Reading →

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Transition House moves to new facility as county approves $2.3 million purchase

New Transition House

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

If everything goes smoothly, Northumberland County will purchase a former retirement residence at 310 Division Street in Cobourg to become the new home for Transition House. It means 35 low-barrier shelter spaces will be available to those in need. It will have accommodations, food, and support services. It will also provide a 24-hour drop-in centre year-round, giving unsheltered people a place to get out of the cold of winter or the heat of summer or a place to go anytime. In this interview,  Rev. Neil Ellis, former acting interim executive director for Transition House, will share the story behind the purchase and what it means to those who do not have a home. Continue Reading →

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Mayor says perfect storm hits as Port Hope council approved 6.9 percent increase for 2024 budget

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

It is budget time for local municipalities. Without exception, politicians, bureaucrats, and taxpayers sweat it out to come up with a solution for the annual budget. With more pressures than ever, it is a struggle to find a balance between affordability and services. In this interview, Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky outlines the decision by council to raise the levy by 6.9 percent. She outlines the complexity of trying to maintain services and address critical issues, while not creating fiscal hardship for taxpayers. Continue Reading →

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Salvation Army and others working hard to bring Christmas to everyone in Northumberland

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The full interview:

The Salvation Army has helped people in need at Christmas for many years. Through its family services operation, using money raised from its Kettle Campaign, it will provide food and toys to ensure nobody is missed during the festive season. This year, more than 800 families have registered to receive this assistance. That is up from 750 last year. You will hear from Jim Alford and Major Dan Broome in this interview. Continue Reading →

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More families with children and seniors using food bank as numbers rise, says board chair

Fare Share Food Bank

The show:

The full interview with bonus material:

The Fare Share Food Bank is seeing a rise in demand. Over the last year, the number of people using its services is up by 50 percent. These are two of many organizations trying to help those in need. Dick Kauling, chair of the board for the Fare Share Food Bank, will describe the pressures it faces and the response to the increase in demand. You may be surprised to learn that more young families with children are accessing the food bank in Cobourg and Port Hope. Continue Reading →

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